My Spiritual Journey Background


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I thought I'd share some more of my background in Christianity.

I was a devout Presbyterian for a few years in my old hometown where my mother and I were living together and I faithfully supported my own church first though I used to enjoy periodically visiting some of the other Church groups throughout the year. The churches I had most experience with were Lutheran, Baptist, Catholic, Seventh-day Adventist and Christian Outreach Center.
I felt blessed by God in encouraging unity and harmony among all our Churches in our small country town and while I was living there I did Theological studies through Presbyterian college by correspondence. I had been interested in building up my Christian education so I did this course and I may have eventually been called to join the Presbyterian Church Clergy.
The course was done by the Committee on Training for the Ministry and I had encouragement from friends like the Seventh-day Adventist Pastor who prayed that if I were led to the ministry that God would guide me the right way.

I did Course A and began Course B but sadly they didn't seem to keep up contact with me about the subjects like they did at first. I had been faithfully supported for two years with three subjects each year and was presented with a certificate in Church but when I began Course B after the first subject I was left waiting and finally I called them and they sent me another subject towards the end of the year which I finished and then Mum and I moved to our big city to stay with Grandmother and Aunt Fran.
I did get back in touch with them since they didn't seem to try to find me and got a third subject. Even though I had become a member of Mum's Anglican Church for convenience of a regular place to worship I still hoped to study for the ministry and maybe eventually I could resign the Anglican Church and a Pastor from one of the Presbyterian Churches could have maybe taken me on as an apprentice to see if I could use well what I had learned.
But even though I asked them to please send information regarding the rest of course B they never did. And I thought well if they can't get their act together and support me as a student it will never be known where it might have taken me in the future.

But God has blessed me since the falling apart of our Anglican Church and my involvement with the Catholic Church has restored my family relationship with mum since our feuds. But I am starting to feel called once more to some sort of ministry. I love my Catholic Church immensely and I'm basically happy with its doctrines but I think God may be calling me to one day serve Him in the Salvation Army. You're never too young or too old to serve Him where-ever He wants to put you. But right now I have an obligation to fulfill as Secretary for my Parishes St.Vincent de Paul conference. I honestly don't know what God has in store for my future precisely but I appreciate all the loving prayerful support I can be given my friends.

God bless you all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Wow Marty, it sounds like you've been to heaven, h*** and back at some stage of your life. But thank you so much for sharing that with us, God bless you, too. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Thanks Katie.
I did enjoy my study that I did do and God is making use of that through me talking about it with a forum friend of mine by PM. It's helping this friend in understanding Christianity better so God knew there would be some way what I learned would one day benefit somebody in addition to me. And I'm thrilled to know I'm being used by God to bless somebody. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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It sound like the Lord may have been raising you up for this Marty! it's true, your never to young or old to server God! But you're still in mt prayers, Marty, And God bless you, too!:smile: