My Muppet Babies Target experience

Dr. Bombay

Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Just thought I'd relate this little story.

For Christmas one of my friends gave me a LOTR game that was pretty lame IMO. So she had said she bought it at Target and she said they had a great return policy. I went into the store she had got it from and I was told that I could exchange it for another game valued at $16.99 or higher or a toy for $14.99 or higher. I decided that I really wanted a Baby Gonzo stuffed animal with the DVD since I really wouldn't have to pay for it. But when I got back there they only had Piggy and Kermit and Fozzie. I asked if I could go to another Target and she said yes.

So I went to another Target which is far from my house and the boy at the guest services said that what I had been told previously was false. That in fact I would have to look for a game or toy with the same sort of code on the price tag on the shelves. I thought this was ridiculous as they shouldn't send a customer on a treasure hunt looking for this stupid code. :rolleyes:

Finally I went to a Target store by my work which is clear on the other side of town and the guest services told me both stores were wrong!! :crazy: In fact since it was a limited edition game that I had opened I would only be able to exchange it for the same game. Well, because I work in customer service and I always get complaints I decided it was my turn to exercise a bit of "the customer is always right" initiative. I explained that I didn't think it was right getting the runaround on this, that Target should have a flat return policy so the guest services reps won't give out conflicting info from store to store. So the store manager came over (and as an aside she looked just like Angela Bowers from 'Who's the Boss') and she said she would comprise with me. She would allow me this one time to exchange for a toy or a game but it must be $16.99 or higher.

So I went back to the toy dept, got the Gonzo but I also needed something else so I got a Baby Animal beanie and then paid the couple dollars difference! :big_grin:

Now that's what I call good customer service :halo:


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2003
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Interesting story. Target usally has good return policies. But the people that work in returns usally doon't know what they are doing.