My 7 Days of Yuck!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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It's stories like the one I'm going to tell you now that, when I'm well, makes me thankful that I'm well.

Thursday, July 8 I began getting weak kneed and my stomach was rumbly that morning, by the afternoon I was "running" to the bathroom to sit a spell. Friday, July 9, found me pouring at both the top and bottom ends. Saturday, July 10, I went to the doctor's office and was diagnosed with a stomach flu--well DUH! They gave me a shot of Fenergen and sent me straight home, where I made it as far as the living room chair and I plopped down and fell asleep for about an hour or so, then I spent the rest of the day in the bathroom, literally, on the floor on a towel and a pillow.

That night I made it back to the living room to sit in my chair. Everyone knows that if I'm going to sleep long at all, I have to have a fan running in the background, so if I'm coming to your house you better have me a fan to run! Sunday morning about 3 am my fan that I bought for a quarter as a kid began making a "WROWR WROWR" noise, loud and siren like, so I shut if off, drove down to the local WalGreens--on both sides of the road--to buy another fan. Got home, turned it on, and went back to sleep. Woke up Sunday morning at 8 am sweating badly: my air conditioning went out!!

I had to go stay at a friend's house that day, and they believe in using natural light so it was too bright to sleep, nothing on t.v., so I read a book and comics that I took with me. I was lonely, bored, and miserable. Monday, July 12 I felt much better, very weak and dehydrated, but stayed home from work at my friend's house til my a/c was repaired. That afternoon, they fixed my a/c and I went home that night. All of Monday, though, my left side began spurts of burning sensations.

Tuesday morning, I get up and go to work and I enjoy my day at work, still weak but drinking fluids and taking it slow and easy. More burning in my left side and it's happening more frequently, but I just go to the bathroom thinking it has something to do with that, and get home and take GasX.

Wednesday morning about 2 am, the utilities go out in my neighborhood. From 2 am until 7 am I can't sleep because there's no utilities, no a/c, no fan. I get up at 8 and go to work. There are still burning sensations in my left side and they last longer. At about 4:30 that afternoon, I double over in the middle of my office floor, then as the pain subsides from a KIDNEY STONE ATTACK I call my mom (yes, ladies, you'll still be responsible for those kids when they're 32--unless they're married, but I'm not that dumb). She takes me to the emergency room and they shoot me up with some kind of something. The doctor says the dehydration from the stomach flu caused the kidney stone to dislodge and fall, thus the kidney stone attack. Wednesday night I'm at home again, doubled over in the floor crying from the pain of the kidney stone. I take probably more of my pain meds than I should have, and sleep.

Thursday morning, today, July whatever day this is now: I get up, with an uncomfortable pain in my left side, and I'm thirsty. I get a big glass of ice water and down it, then make my way to my pain pills, and take one small one. Sometime this morning I was able to go urinate for more than half a second...a full run actually...which means the kidney stone has passed!! YAY!!

Now, it's 5:23 pm CST and I feel 100% better than I have in 7 days. I hope it lasts longer than 1 day this time.

Anyways, don't this make most of ya'll's past 7 days sound better??


Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
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Oh man, oh man, oh man.. you have my complete sympathies. That past week sounds like it was just torture!

It makes my past 7 days look like I've spent time in heaven or something. The only problem I have here is a leaky water heater which turned my hallway carpet into the great Florida Everglades.

Oh and we just found out today at work that they are changing our schedules and we have NO CHOICE but to follow the new ones or else find another job as we now go from being open 5 days to being open 7 days. AND we will have to work weekends now. UGH!

Still, you had a bad week, and I'm so glad you are feeling better. The boards were not the same without you!!!

(32?? I'm gonna still have to deal with my kids at 32??? *FAINTS*)

~Beth C


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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I'm sorry Kevin! Get better soon! Remember that in a week you get the new series of Muppet figures! Doesn't that make you feel better?


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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That really sucks, I knew someone who all that happened to.
What causes it exactly?

Crazy Harry

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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The feal good story of the year
You feal good that it wasn''t you

Glad it worked out in the end.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Crazy Harry said:
Glad it worked out in the end.
OOHHHHHH, my end...

Thanks, gang. Today is a MUCH better day! I feel 100% better than I could imagine I would feel this time last week. I feel so good now that I think I deserve a blue ribbon! HA HA!!

Glad my demise could serve to make someone else feel better, too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Sorry to hear you were sick Kev, sounds bad. I hope Muley didnt catch what you had because that would probably be worse. Not to mention your friend, I hope they dont get sick.

You must really love having a fan on to wake up and buy a new one! or is it that hot there? Its hard to relate to it at the moment because its pretty cold here.

Glad to hear you are ok now!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Crazy Harry said:
The feal good story of the year
You feal good that it wasn''t you

Glad it worked out in the end.
Dont feel too good because it might happen to you!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2002
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glad you feel better how did you find time to give me this avatar


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2004
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Glad to hear you're feeling better. Sorry about the kidney stone, my mom has those occassionally and she says they're worse than childbirth.