Muppets of the Caribbean (Previews)


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Aug 13, 2005
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Over the past few days, I've mentioned about two fanfics that I was in the process of developing as of late. This is one of them.:smile:

"Muppets of the Caribbean" is my first story here on MC that's not based off of a comic book or a movie adaptation of a comic book. It's my take on what if the characters from Muppet Treasure Island were to meet the characters from Disney's 2003 blockbuster, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.

I've taken the pleasure of allowing everyone to check out some "previews" of the story from certain chapters (I won't say which chapters they are for spoiler reasons; but if you've seen the movie, you'll know which parts of the story they're from anyway). I'll be doing this also for my "Fraggle Street" fanfic, so I hope these previews will "wet your appetites" for when the whole story makes it to the board. Enjoy!:excited:

Here's Preview #1:

“Excuse me, mates.” Jack uttered, and as he spoke, his foul breath was flowing through the nostrils of Jim and Rizzo (both disgusted over the smell); however, Gonzo didn’t have any nostrils, so he wasn’t too bothered by Jack’s smell. “Do you three know where I could find a place where I can get myself a nice glass of rum?” Jim and Rizzo were holding their noses, unable to reply to Sparrow’s question; Gonzo, on the other hand, didn’t have any trouble replying.

“Sorry, but we just got here a few minutes ago, remember?” Gonzo said, and Jack looked closely at the three characters, his short-term memory slowly coming back to him.

“Ah, yes! The little animal creatures on that big ship.” Jack said. “I must say that ship is impressive…” Jack’s attention was distracted for a moment, as he glanced at a nearby dock that was different from the one he and the Hispaniola crew had settled in, “But not as impressive as that ship is!” Jim, Gonzo, and Rizzo turned their attention to the harbor, where there were two ships that were docked: the Dauntless (a big ship anchored out some) and the Interceptor (a smaller ship tied to the dock).

“They’re great,” Gonzo said, “But they’re not as great as the Hispaniola.” Jack grinned at Gonzo.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that, mate. No offense.” He remarked, just before he started making his way towards that particular harbor, leaving Gonzo a bit offended.

“Can you believe that guy?!” Gonzo exclaimed, as Rizzo and Jim released the hold they had on their nostrils, inhaling the fresh air that was once polluted by Jack Sparrow’s foul odor.

“I can believe the smell.” Rizzo commented.

“He had the nerve to say that the Hispaniola was not a great ship!” Gonzo said.

“It’s not that big of a deal, Gonzo. It’s just a ship.” Jim said. “Why don’t we just let it go and do some more exploring?”

“Not until he apologizes.” Gonzo refused, and he followed Sparrow to the harbor to the displeasure of Rizzo and Jim, who sighed and rolled their eyes with disgust. Knowing that they couldn’t leave him behind with such a foul stranger, Jim and Rizzo followed Gonzo and Sparrow to the harbor, where Jack was immediately stopped by two men (named Murtogg and Mullroy) that were guarding the Interceptor.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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This is Preview #2:

“They’ve kidnapped Elizabeth!” He exclaimed.

“I beg your pardon?” Smollett asked Will.

“The Governor’s daughter.” Will told him. “She’s been taken by the invading pirates. We must warn the governor immediately.”

“You’re the only one that’s going to tell him that his pimple-faced geek of a daughter has been kidnapped, son!” Benjamina snapped, viciously. “We are going to get on our ship and sail away from this dump now!”

“Dump?” Smollett said, a little puzzled. “I thought you said that this place had some great restaurants!”

“Yeah, well…” Benjamina said, and she tried to cover up her recent compliment by saying, “If you’ve seen one Red Lobster, you’ve seen them all!” Unfortunately, Smollett didn’t buy into her cover-up. “Yeah, well, who’d cared if he did?!”

“Without or with your help, I will find Elizabeth.” Will assured, and Smollett watched in disappointment as he walked away from the group.

“Come on, Smollett.” Benjamina demanded. “We’re gonna find someplace in the world that’s worth going to!”

“No, Benjamina.” Smollett remarked, and she looked at him in surprise. “As my duty as captain of the Hispaniola, I am going to help that young blacksmith in his search for Miss Swann. And let’s not forget Jim, Gonzo, and Rizzo; they’re still locked up, awaiting punishment by beheading.” The crew was shocked to hear the news about Jim, Gonzo, and Rizzo; none of them knew the whereabouts of the three cabin boys until that very moment. “Now, if you all wish to get back to the Hispaniola and leave for another land like a bunch of cowards, then you can be my guest. Otherwise, you’d come with me right now and try to solve this problem like a brave crew, before things get any worse.”