Muppets From Space Question


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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In the movie, there are only a handful of muppets that rescue Gonzo and Rizzo. That being Kermit, Piggy, Fozzie, Animal, and Pepe, although Honeydew and Beaker did join the rescue but ended up being left behind at a gas station.

My question is, where are the other muppets?

In The Great Muppet Caper, you had a whole platoon of muppets that were determined to help out Piggy, but not here.

Rowlf, Scooter, Sam the eagle, Dr. Teeth, Floyd, Janice, Zoot, Pops, Lew Zealand, Robin, Beauregard, and others did not even join the rescue.

Where were they during the daytime when Piggy came back and wanted to tell everybody? Are led to believe that out of a whole house of muppets that Kermit, Fozzie, Animal, Pepe, Bunsen, and Beaker are the only ones in the house? I mean the Electric Mayhem bus was still at the house since it was used to get the gang to the base where Gonzo and Rizzo were being held. So where was the rest of the band?

If you're going to make a muppet movie, use the established characters and don't try to pretend they're off doing their own little thing......

Baby Gonzo

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2007
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Maybe they had a day job? Maybe they didn't care about Gonzo? Maybe they went to the corner store to grab milk? Maybe their weren't enough puppeteers to perfrom them?

It really looked like, after breakfast, everyone spread out and went their differeny ways. Maybe some of them did have jobs or somewhere else they needed to be at the time?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Or they were all asleep. Ooh, or maybe there was rehearsal at the theater with Scooter and Rowlf running it giving Kermit and Fozzie the day off.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2007
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Yeah, and when Scooter finds out that Gonzo is loco at Cape Doom, he sees a nice chance for capitalism and runs off to make T-shirts!


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Maybe they were stuck in an 80's time warp and they're actually still at Kermit and Piggy's wedding in 1984.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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They were probably fishing more than likely.

It can go something like this..............

Several Muppets are fishing at a nearby lake

Scooter: You know what guys, I'm glad Kermit told us to come here. This is peaceful.

Rowlf is scratching himself

Rowlf: It would be peaceful if the bugs would stop bitting me.

Robin: Darn, I'm not catching a thing. Fishing is kind of boring.

Sweetums: You want me to jump in the lake and scare all the fish out for ya little buddy?

Robin shook his head

Robin: Nah, but thanks anyway Sweetums.

Floyd: You know if Animal were here right now, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

Janice: Yeah rully.

Dr. Teeth: That or eating all the food we brought for the picnic.

Janice: And Animal would have been caught red handed and would have denied the entire thing, fer sure.

Beauregard looked puzzled

Beauregard: What color are his hands now?

Sam the Eagle: This is it my fellow patriots. We're doing what are four fathers did in their time. Going back to our roots and sitting in in the open air, out in the open country.

Dr. Teeth: Absolutely positively, cause four out of five fathers recommended it my babies!

Zoot starts to snore, as he is sleeping, even though he is still somehow holding a fishing pole. Sam notices Zoot

Sam the eagle: Although some don't embrace the outdoors.

Rowlf: Or the indoors either.

Scooter: You'd think Zoot would be awake swatting all the bugs flying around. Guess he's a deep sleeper after all.

Lew Zealand: Hey, I know how to get the fish to start biting. I'll use my boomerang fish to lure the little fishes out of the water. I'll just throw the fish out and the fish will notice this and follow my boomerang fish back to me.

Sam the eagle: That has to be the most idiotic thing I have ever heard of.

Crazy Harry: I can always blast them out!

Sam the eagle: I stand corrected.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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i bet that's what happened, too bad there was no camera to film them