Muppet Treasure Island Discussion Thread



Following Kevin's GMC thread (and I'm not copying off of him, so please don't get that idea), I thought I would start a discussion thread for my favorite Muppet film: MTI. Here's some of my favorite parts:

- the singing skulls and tiki heads.
- Blind Pew (I know a lot of you like this character too, and I think he should have had a bigger part. I can understand why not, though: for those who have read the book, you'll know that his part was pivitol but purposely minor at the same time).
- Mad Monty (his "shrimp scampi" line is my all-time favorite Muppet line).
- Fozzie's wig (I think brown suits him better than white, personally).
- the tourist rats
- Kermit's nightcap
- Fozzie wiping his finger at Mr. Arrow's funeral
- the roll call

So, don't be shy: share your favorite parts, characters, lines, etc.!

crazed gonzo fa

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2006
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Princeton said:
- Blind Pew (I know a lot of you like this character too, and I think he should have had a bigger part. I can understand why not, though: for those who have read the book, you'll know that his part was pivitol but purposely minor at the same time).
Yeah, in the book he get's run over by a carriage! HA HA HA!:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2005
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I find Blind Pew a scream as well. You can tell Jerry Nelson had a great time doing him.

Among my favorite moments in this one:

-the running rat Caribbean cruise plot
-the powder fuse chasing everyone around the basement
-Gonzo being stretched out of shape and enjoying it
-Sam popping up on the island after apparently having rowed across the entire ocean with no provisions
-our introductions to the crew and Kermit's hilarious facial expressions as he takes stock of them all
-Piggy's over-blown entrance and abrupt fall, followed by her best whipping of Kermit, period
-"Love Led Us Here," the last truly great Muppet song to date (love the strained expression on Kermit's face as he struggles to hold on to Piggy)
-Sam's apparently ghostly visit to the crew, and their over-the-top reaction to it
-the native pigs' strong words of defiance to Silver, followed by their abrupt exit when they see he's got firearms
-Clueless Morgan avoiding a whipping by proclaiming himself dead and falling over
-Kermit getting carried away and slashing up Silver's suit when he could very easily have just run him through
-Sweetums abruptly joining the good guys with "I love you guys." (they used him quite well here all in all)
-all the pirates beating Clueless Morgan senseless when he announces he's going to try and build positively off his experiences
-how the stern-looking man gets out of the carriage first looking all the more intimdating, and then steps aside to reveal the compeltely harmless Kermit

And quite a bit more. My favorite lines include:

-"You know, I'm beginning to see a pattern in the men I date."
-"Raise the sails! Any man caught dawdling will be shot on sight!"
"I didn't say that, Mr. Aero."
-"Is the captain strict? He's a raging volcano, tormented by inner demons the likes of which you cannot imagine!"
-"WHO HIRED THIS CREW!!!!???? They are without a doubt the seediest group of cutthroats, villains and scoundrels I have ever seen, so who hired them!!??"
-"By the way, this Long John Silver fellow might not be trustworthy."
"Oh NOW he tells us!"
-"Long John shot Dead Tom! He's dead!"
"But Dead Tom's always been dead, that why he's Dead Tom!"

It was nice to see they put Rowlf in briefly at the beginning too, that they hadn't completely written him out at the time. :sympathy:


Sep 2, 2006
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Most of my favourite parts have been listed! but i also like,

-Cabin fever
-When all the muppets eyes glow in the dark at night
- When tom is moaning that dead tom is dead.

Thats about it! As i said all the resthave been covered!

Giar Fraggle

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2006
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The whole thing is genius, really. I love the tone of the film, how it manages to be this grand epic adventure with a soaring soundtrack and plenty of drama and swordplay, and at the same time you've got a bear with a man living in his finger. Pure genius. I think some of my favorite parts are:

- "We're standing in a room with a DEAD GUY!!!!"
- The entire Sailing for Adventure sequence (especially the golden line "And people die by falling overboard!")
- Sam's exaggerated punishments, and Kermit's reactions. "Fifty lashes, and then you walk the plank!" "Erm, I didn't say that, Sam."
- "We saved the frog and the pig!" "Well, it was too late to save the movie!"
- "Let's go to Zanzibar, to meet the Zanzibarbarians!"
- "How does she bloody DO that?!"

Not to mention countless other things that have already been mentioned in the thread.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Muppet treasure island is so amazingly amazing!! It's one of my all time favorite movies ever!! Some of the most fabulous quotes:

"Oh, I guess you were right Beaker there was too much gunpowder."
"OH! The big blue wet thing!"
"Now isn't tha' a tale wortha hearin'?"
"But I ordered the shrimp scampi!"
"I'm gettin' tired!"
"He said speed up!"
"Man, just play the gig, never get involved in politics."
"This is my ONLY number."
"Heh, what's next? A singin', dancin' mouse with 'is own amuesement park?"
"If you're gonna be the cook on this ship Mr. Silver, I'm definitely gonna need some bigger pants."
"I may have a future in the NBA!"
"I say! This does not look safe!"
"Hey! Will ya knock it off with the booze? You're peelin' the paint offa the shuffle board court!"
"Uuuum, shopping channel?"

crazed gonzo fa

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2006
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"Let danger call my name!"
"Because I'm gonna hide!"
"We put the 'rat' in pi'rat'e!"


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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What is Zees? A pretty little girl! :embarrassed:

I love this movie. Waitching it over and over when I was younger is one of the main reasons why I love the muppets so much now. This movie is so crazy, musical, and fun, that I had to check out the others.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Mmm... yes, MTI is one of my favorites. I've watched so many times, and I'm not a bit tired of it... It's the second of the muppet movies that I saw... the first being Christmas Carol. It's also got some of my favorite songs... I mean, is there a song in there that isn't great? Well, I suppose it's all a matter of opinion, but I like them all.

Cabin Fever is one of my favorite songs, specifically for the lyrics "Our once proud vessel has become a floating pscho ward" and all the mad dancing. Very, very muppety.

It also hold one of my favorite Kermit lines ever. "The past is behind us, and the future... below us." It's hilarious... understated and so fatalistic... shows off some of Kermit's personality I think. I also think that it's got one of the best karate chops Piggy's ever given, sending him flying over the rats and into the gong. "Old girlfriend" and then the faint... priceless.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2006
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He Died? And this was supposed to be a kids movie!

The commentary on this is great!