
  • Thread starter furryredmonster
  • Start date


Does anyone has msn aim or yim?

YIM: {this one has parental locks so my mom must approve everyone-- and I have to know you so do not use this one. She makes me tell exactly who you are and how i know you so... i rather you not even attempt trying this one although I am on it all the time:frown:}

YIM: redfurrymonster_84 {I created this one and my mom does not have to approve anyone, YES!! She does not know it exists though. So, use this one but I am not on that one very much.

You can post yours here.

Ps: is my email address that does not work :wink:


Why don't you download one snowth?

Here is the link to download yahoo messnager... I downloaded it last night since something or someone deleted it:

It took me like an hour to download it fully... about. And this is the new one where you can call people using your microphone, photosharing, and all that good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Hey, hey, hey, what did I say about downloads?


lol it is not my fault it got deleted from my computer!! I had to download it and nothing has happened so far so it is all good-- me thinks. My mom made me-- she spent a whole day trying to find a safe place to download it. Yahoo messanger is my life... why have a cool laptop when you can not talk to people on it??

EDIT: And oh yea, what would my webcam/digital camera thingy do then? It has to have a purpose in life lol. I know, it is not a living thing but still.........

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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I do! But I'm never on... lately; that'll change soon I hope. Check out this thrfead for a bigger list of MC members with IMs!


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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You know, if you're not allowed to have people your mum doessn't know on your account, you're posting your address that we can't use, and you're sneaking behind your mum's back, you might not want to advertise it.

Not trying to be rude to you, but we've lost a member before because he was giving away too much personal information, and his parents were unhappy with this. You really should consider what info you're giving out in your posts (like, we now all know your personal email address, because you were explaining we can't use that one. Whether or not your address works or not isn't the point). Because you are young, and you have no clue who is going to read this and add you. You can never be 100% sure that a) people who add you are truly from MC and b) that people from MC are exactly what they say they are. MC is a great site, but it is primarily populated by adults. I'm not saying that everyone over 20 is a creepy truck driver or anything, but because MC has alot of older members, as a young person you have to be extra careful and watch your back, and especially watch how much about yourself you are giving away.

I suggest editing your first post, that contains that address we aren't supposed to know, because it will encourage creeps to email you, and spambots that crawl the pages will find your address, which results in alot of spam. Also please be very aware, that by doing this you are not inviting just MC people, but anyone who stumbles across this, and that you should be more aware of your personal safety on the internet.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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furryredmonster said:
It wont let me edit it now....
If you want to be rid of the address furryred, just PM Fozzie Bear and ask him to a) delete your address by editing your post or b) delete the thread. He's should be fine with it, I've had him edit some of my posts before in the past.