Keep in mind, the team owners could easily turn the team names into the Nabisco Oreos or TDBank No-Hassle Credit Loans to squeeze in more money and there would be less complaint. Not to mention the oft told story of threatening to have the teams moved to another city unless a huge, baffling venue is build with tax payer money, having said tax payers pay for the debacle and have the team moved anyway. They'd certainly change the name then (at least the first part of it). It's all about money and what's in it for the concussion denying team owners. A name change would really mean having to clear out unsellable merchandising, yet it would also mean a series of new cheap to produce, easy to price gouge gewgaws no one really needs now flying off the shelves because of loyalty. Seems that either way would be profitable to the team owners.Honestly, I'm torn about the team name change.
BTW you know that a Bullwinkle Super Bowl special was abandoned because the NFL didn't like their owners being portrayed as crooks worse than Boris Badenov?

What some really need to understand about cosplay is there are those who do it ironically or as a gag. Older, out of shape guys who are self aware, especially. There are those who do it unironically, and I have seen some great older woman cosplay pictures (one was a Miazaki reference), but if you're a large guy in a sailor suit, chances are it's a gag.If the man had a rainbow dyed beard, that was Lar DeSouza dressed as Sailor Bacon. It was the payoff for a fundraiser that raised over $12,000 to fight Muscular Dystrophy. He and his wife do it every year. So, three cheers for the fat hairy guy in the magical girl costume!
Me, I'm not that confident. I've only done it like 3 times. Once as SuppaMan (and like 3 people got the joke)
And like twice as Bob from Bob's Burgers. Because I kinda look like that, minus the balding.