Most Entertaining, Disappointing, and Surprising Guest Stars of Season 2


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2007
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Alright, ladies and gents, since we've all had a little time to watch and digest TMS season two, I think it is time to start this discussion. :smile: I don't know how many of you were in the same boat I was, but up until buying the DVD set, I had not seen about half of the S2 episodes, and none of them in order. So, having watched the season as a whole, here are my picks for Most Entertaining, Most Disappointing, and Most Surprising Guest Stars of Season 2.

Most Entertaining: Jaye P. Morgan
I seriously want to put her in the Most Surprising category, because I never really knew who she was until I researched her after viewing this episode. But there is no way around the fact that I found it fascinating to watch her with the Muppets. Her caustic humor and deadpan delivery is a great contrast to the giddy, giggling guest stars that were in Season 1. From her initial "This isn't going to be another cute puppet show" all the way up to her finale with Dr. Teeth, she is captivating and in a word, awesome. :big_grin:

Most Disappointing: Judy Collins
I love love love Judy Collins' voice and music, and so was ecstatic to get to see her interact with the Muppets. The problem is... she doesn't interact with the Muppets! Two of her numbers are more-or-less solos, and in one of the others she plays off of three one-shot characters, and the one song that she sings with a regular is terribly short. On top of that (and I know this isn't really her doing, but I thought I'd mention it anyway), the whole point of "Send in the Clowns" is undermined by the hideous dancing characters in the background. Not once during the number do we listen to Judy, because we are busy watching the clowns. :rolleyes: I love her voice and her ethereal loveliness, but all in all, I wish we could have seen her a little sillier. Know what I mean?

Most Surprising: Nancy Walker
Like Jaye P., I didn't really know anything about Nancy, but she was tons of fun. I like her gravelly voice, the way she broods over the sick Kermit on the telephone, her hysterical skit with Fozzie, and (of course) her song-and-dance finale with Sweetums. She's a lot of fun!

So... who are your picks?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Out of the episodes that I hadn't previously seen, the Cleo Lain episode was really the only one that wasn't as good as I'd expected. However, the Lou Rawls and Teressa Brewer episodes were a lot better than I'd expected (though I did have high expectations for these two episodes, but I also had high expectations of the Zero Mostel, Jaye P. Morgan, and Judy Collins episodes).


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Most Entertaining:
The Milton Berle episode. He was great and the backstage plot was great, too. Could watch that one over and over.

Most Disappointing:
Cleo Laine! Ughhh... she dosen't even do anything outside of her songs and her songs are the most boring parts of the episode! I don't even think the Chef number is great, I wanted to see a cooking act, not a song!

Most Surprising:
Don Knotts. This guy is a lot more talented then I thought, he's really entertaining. That episode really has a little bit of everything. Not bad for a season premiere and I really think of this as Fozzie coming out of that shell from season 1 as just the unfunny bear and starting having a character beyond that. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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It's funny how some guest stars look completely comfortable performing and interacting with the Muppet characters while others don't seem to know where to look, at the puppet or the performer.
I loved Steve Martin's episode because it was a complete break from the norm. John Cleese was brilliant and even helped write some of the sketches. Although I'm not a great fan, Milton Berle was really good and blended with the Muppets quite seamlessly. Bob Hope's episode was as stilted as you would expect and Rudolf Nureyev seemed to have a little trouble.
I enjoyed the Judy Collins episode on a different level, just because I love her voice and loved her rendition of "Leatherwing Bat".


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Yeah I mean it's a variety of factors. Some of the guests obviously aren't actors in the first place. Or they're used to working as a character and not being themselves. I imagine a big key to working with the Muppets is being able to relax and not think too much, otherwise it won't look natural.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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I think the musicians come off worse most of the time. Elton didn't look too natural and neither did Debbie Harry. The character actors and comedian's fill the role more easily. Lynda Carter, Steve Martin and John Cleese would be used to playing different roles and sometimes in farcicle situations.

Son of Enik

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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My picks

Most Entertaining: Steve Martin. I have always enjoyed this show for it's uniqueness. The show gets "canceled'', but Steve performs anyway. Marvin Suggs and his all vegetable glee club are a highlight here as well as the Koozbanaian band.

Most Disappointing: Cleo Laine. I STILL don't know who she is. I do like the puppetry of Bruce Schwartz, but even he couldn't salvage this one.

Most Surprising: Lou Rawls. I have been a huge fan of his for years, and have to admit I didn't remember seeing this one as a kid. His performances here were outstanding and I love the banter between he and Floyd, great stuff!