NARF!!! Just like Will and Grace!Originally posted by Ol' Buddy Bert
Hey there everybody,
I think part of the problem is they're trying too hard to make something crazy and funny. It's comedy of artifice rather than being something truly funny to laugh at.
I have no complaint with Elmo, however. I mean, it is primarily a show for kids that appeals to other age groups and all. Elmo is the same age as most of the viewers, 3-5, so it is obvious that that's his popularity. In short, kids can relate to the character of Elmo. I have no Idea who can relate to Monater Clubhouse..unless they are..uh..high!Originally posted by DrGoshposh
According to what I hear, it is very uncommon to have a children's show that is an hour long. Think about it, there are none other than Sesame Street. By adding Elmo's World to the show, they are, in essence, making it a 45 minute show, and Elmo's World, thus making it more appealing to the PBS stations who buy and air it.
Well, it appears that you guys are about a season or two behind. The Monsters Clubhouse with Narf, Mel, Googoo, and Phoebe started out a couple of times last season, but took over this season (the current U.S. Schedual).Originally posted by *Warrick*
In this ep Herry to went to school and wondered what the coat hooks were for, So he went back to the Club House and all the Monsters put chairs, the telephone and stuff on the coat hooks.
Does anyone know how far we are behind from the US ?
Whatever happened to Lulu ?
Yes. As you said, that's pretty much the cast. Of Course you add Oscar, Ernie and Snuffy and that's really it.Originally posted by *Warrick*
In the eps i catch over here the only Muppets i see in street scenes are Zoe, Rosita, Baby Bear, Telly and Big Bird... Oh and Elmo.
Is it like that all the time ?
Or was that Lulu, Ernie and Grover scene on the Street ?
And does Frank perform Grover on the street?
I agree about Monster's Clubhouse.I didn't get it then,& still don't get it.Opening song is ok,but looses its appeal thereafter.I do agree & I thought the old monsters(Frazzle,Herry,Grover should be on it as well).And the chased by an elephant?Drtooth said:Okay, we expressed opinions of Elmo's world, but I want to talk about Monster Clubhouse.
Basically, I think this part is quite uneven. At points, it is funny and entertaining, while other parts still are annoying and pointless. I mean, I like the "Chased by an elephant" parts, not to mention "Who could that possibly be?" featuring a nerdy muppet portraied by Jerry Nelson (whose character reminds me of Gill on the Simpsons). And Snack Time is varyingly funny, when they eat the picture of bananas (instead of an actual bunch), a salami helmet ("it me favorite part"), and such.
However, I did not come to praise it, I just think that it's awful silly at times (sometimes I just drop the silly part and leave it as "Awful"). I really don't like the pink or Green monsters. I do, however like Mel and Narf (sp)
But in all honesty, I'd rather see Cookie Monster, Grover, or Herry when the monsters tell us "iiiiit's Monster Tiiiime!!!"