Minor Muppetz' TMS Outline: Sherman Hemsly

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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This outline takes place during the fifth season.

Cold Opening/ Lobby
Sherman hemsley tells Pops that he is going to do something that nobody expects him to do tonight, and Pops says that he is also doing something unexpected.... give a bubble bath to the chickens.

Kermit announces that Sherman Hemsley plans on doing something that nobody expects him to do during the closing number, but first introduces the opening number, "which is just slightly more expected".

Opening Number: The Bear Went Over The Mountain
Scooter and Robin sing in front of a mountain backdrop. Fozzie climbs it but then falls off the mountain.

Statler: Well, I guess Fozzie finally succeeded. That was his best performance ever.
Waldorf: Well, he just bear-ly made it.
(they laugh)

Gonzo tells a wounded Fozzie that he should have gone over the mountain by cannon, but Fozzie doesn't agree. Gonzo then get's back to work, getting a band of weird creatures ready for a big production number. (creatures include: The Snowths, the Four Fazoobs, The Koozebanian Phoob, the Pink Frackle, Green Frackle, Gloat, Luncheon Counter Monster, and a Snerf.

Kermit introduces Sherman Hemsley.

Sherman Hemsley, Crazy Harry, Link Hogthrob, and Marvin Suggs play soldiers, who shoot cannons at many things that they see. Marvin and Harry shoot cannons at each other, Link foolishly looks inside the cannon after he lit the fuse, and sherman shoots at Statler and Waldorf's balcony.

Pops asks Sherman if that was his unexpected act that he had planned, but Sherman tells him no. Meanwhile, the various creatures fro Gonzo's act attack and bite at each other.

Beauregard drills a watermellon and shines a flashlight through it. he get's booed off-stage.

Song: Love is a Simple Thing
Miss Piggy sings the opening song from The Muppet Valentine Show as Rowlf plays the piano. Rowlf joins her on vocals, but Piggy isn't too happy with sharing vocals.

UK Spot/ Balcony
There is a big hole in Statler and Waldorf's balcony. Beauregard takes an insurance salesman to the balcony to look at the hole. Statler and Waldorf tell the salesman that they are old enough to be insurance accountable.

Gonzo's rehearsals are going horrible. Some singers voices are starting to get flat, so Gonzo puts a bicycle pump inside their mouths.

Pops puts some chickens in a wash tub and gives those chickens a bath. Statler and Waldorf heckle them, and ther eis still a hole in the middle front of their balcony. Pops tells them that he'd like to see them do a better job, so Waldorf coems running and falls off the balcony and into the orchestra.

Dressing Room
Miss Piggy has a chat with Sherman Hemsley, saying that she likes him on The Jeffersons. Sherman tells Piggy that he doens't neccessarily like her. Piggy thinks it's because she is a different race, but it's actually because she is a different species, prompting a karate chop out of her.

Kermit introduces Gonzo's big act for the night.

Gonzo's Number
Gonzo conducts a wide array of creatures, both those who appeared backstage and others, in a gibberish song. Many characters come onstage and leave the stage at various times, and in addition to the creatures mentioned earlier, Gonzo's chorus includes some Muppaphones, Bossmen (who clap but don't sing), Nigel (whistling), Flower-Eating Monster, Boppity, Mahna Mahna, and Droop (playing the triangle).

Statler: That was great!
Waldorf: Uh, Statler, that wasn't the closing number.
Statler: That was awful!

Kermit now introduces the closing number, in which Sherman hemsley will do something that people don' expect him to do: Play the harp!

Closing Number
Sherman Hemsley plays the harp, often remarking that he volunteered "to be a sissy". He is joined by Sweetums on tambourine, Zoot on saxaphone, Lips on trumpet, Trumpet Girl on trombone, T.R. Rooster on banjo, Lobbock Lou on mouth harp, the heaps on bugles, Marvin Suggs hitting muppahones, and the guitar player from Geri and the Atrics on guitar.

Good Night
Pops complains to Sherman, stating that him playing the harp wasn't something that he wouldn't have expected. They (and Kermit) are joined by Gonzo, Gloat, a chicken, Fozzie Bear, and Scooter.

After Credits/ Balcony
(the bacony still has a large hole in it)
Waldorf: Well, what did you think of tonigths show?
Statler: I thought it was very religuos.
Waldorf: Really?
Statler: Yes, (looking at hole in balcony) something about it is just so hole-ly.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Statler and Waldorf comments are perfect.
The sketch with the cannon firing sounds hilarious.
Naturally Miss Piggy is always easily offended if any man of whatever species rejects her. She always has been rather a pork chop lol
My favourite part is the bear went over the mountain. Was poor Fozzie pushed off the mountain by the same goat who was pushing those pigs off their mountain on the muppet show episode that guest starred John Denver?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
My favourite part is the bear went over the mountain. Was poor Fozzie pushed off the mountain by the same goat who was pushing those pigs off their mountain on the muppet show episode that guest starred John Denver?
No, he just slipped off once he got to the top, which was very pointy (let's say that the mountain was shapped like a conehead's head).


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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minor muppetz said:
Beauregard drills a watermellon and shines a flashlight through it. he get's booed off-stage.
I just noticed this little act with Beau. Heh Heh Did Beau really expect the audience to enjoy that?:wink:

Reminds of Gonzo's :crazy: acts except that Beau didn't really choose a silly act that was potentially dangerous to him as opposed to many of Gonzo's outrageous stunts.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
I just noticed this little act with Beau. Heh Heh Did Beau really expect the audience to enjoy that?:wink:

Reminds of Gonzo's :crazy: acts except that Beau didn't really choose a silly act that was potentially dangerous to him as opposed to many of Gonzo's outrageous stunts.
Well, he is probably dumb enough to expect the audience to like it. It is similar to the kind of acts Gonzo would do in the first season, where Gonzo did more odd scts as opposed to dangerous stunts. With the exception of getting hit by Miss Piggy's karate chops in the Mummenshaz episode, I don't think Gonzo really enjoyed getting hurt during the first season. Perhaps Beauregard saw Gonzo's early acts and was inspired by Gonzo. Or maybe he's just dumb.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Actually however you look at this point of your latest outline minor you do have to ultimately admit one thing.

It is the plain and simple honest truth that Beau is a bit of a dum-dum HAHA


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Ah yes. This was perhaps the best of your outlines. Absolutely hilarious:smile: :big_grin: