Milk and cookies


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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Anyone remember this skit from the first or maybe second season?

Ernie decides to prepare himself a snack of milk and cookies. Although I don't remember the exact sequence of events, basically Ernie was preparing the goods in the usual living room spot while frequently walking off-camera, to the right, to retrieve the foods. I believe one scene showed him pouring an old-school glass bottle of milk into a glass (but another skit from the same era had Ernie with a quart carton of milk on the wall. I distictly remember that the markings on the carton were identical to a brand we had in New Jersey at the time). I think what happened was Ernie would pull one item out, and while he back in the kitchen retrieving the other, CM would appear and drink or eat what was left out. Of course, Ernie just kept thinking he forgot to bring out the other item. Until Ernie catches CM in the act. If I remember correctly he said:

Ernie: WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!? You just ate my milk and my cookie!
CM: Thank you.
Ernie: Don't thank me...

What happened after that I'm not sure, but perhaps CM took on some "crocodile tears", where he acted all sad and guilty. Whatever it was, Ernie's response was:

E: I'll tell you what: Wait here and I'll get you your very own, milk and cookie.
CM: My OWN milk and cookie? Oh Boy! (pushing Ernie to right) Yeah, get me milk and cookie.
(Ernie disappears offscreen to right)
CM: (in excitement, like a broken record) Milk and cookie. Milk and cookie. Milk and cookie. Milk and cookie.
(CM stops his mantra, then does a protracted acrobatic flip which results in landing the top of his head on the top of the wall. The inverted CM then continues: )
CM: Milk and cookie. Milk and cookie. Milk and cookie...

The skit ended before Ernie delivered. I don't recall any closing music.

The early days had a LOT of confrontations between Ernie and Cookie Monster. So rare was it to see Bert in any of these sketches, that the time the CM imposter dressed in Ernie's shirt and toupee while sporting a kee-hee-hee laugh, notice that he adds a "Hi, Bert." Of course, the real reason for the lack of Bert was that Frank Oz did both voices.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2002
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I believe that you just remembered the first sketch where Cookie Monster spoke!

According to the "Unpaved" book, the first sketch where Cookie spoke was with a sketch with Ernie, where the only things he said were "Milk" and "Cookies", and that he was trying to steal them.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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milk, cookies, and Ernie

yes, I remember CM taking Ernie's milk and cookies, and that's EXACTLY how the skit went.

The other one where Ernie is at the brick wall explaining the letter Q, which stands for QUART. and he brings out a quart of milk packaged by Joanna Farms- our local dairy!!- CM takes the carton and shows what you can do with milk.
CM: "First you drink it!" and he puts the carton to his mouth and polishes it off.
"Then you eat it!" and he crumples the carton in his mouth. Great! Less to recycle!