Madrid Here I Come!

King Prawn

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Well guys i'm off for two weeks, i'm off to Madrid in search of those Muppet Dolls Warrick found (kermit, Piggy, Sam) I doubt i'll find them but i'll try. I've heard you can find them at WB Studio here in Madrid, i think it's doubtful i even think it's doubtful that Madrid has a WB studio.

Anyway i'll be sure to pick up a few sets if I find them. I'll still be checking around with my laptop and my sister has decided to take the challange of being King Prawn for a whole week.

So i'll speak to you guys soon.

Bye :smile: :smile: :smile: :mad: <- Just Kidding :smile: :smile: :smile: