Looking for Fraggle Songs, Trade for Muppet DVD's


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I while back there was a fellow board member that was trading a CD collection of Fraggle Songs for a copy of The Muppets at Walt Disney World.

At the time I was having some problems burning the copy I had to DVD. Well it is now complete (with bonus features including a commercial for the "Here Come The Muppets" attraction).

If he is still wanting to trade, I'm ready.

Also if anyone else is interested I have made DVD's of the following:

Muppet Pilots -
Tales of the Tinkerdee, The Muppet Show: Sex & Violence, The Jim Henson Hour: Pitch, Pilot, and Preview

The Muppets at Walt Disney World - with Bonus Features including the above mentioned commercial for the "Here Come The Muppets" attraction

The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson- with Bonus Features including the tribute on Nightline

The Muppets: A celebration of 30 years* - with Bonus Features including Time Piece and Muppet PSA's from 1988.

These have all been copied from VHS. With the Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson comming right off a VHS dub from the orginal Henson archive.

The others are copies I've traded others for or are from the original airing, except * which is a mix from the edited Nick version and orginal airing to put back the scenes that were edited out. Although they are 2 shots that were switched to put the commerecials in different places.

If an acceptable trade can not be arranged I will accept cash, ONLY to cover the matertials used.

I am in the process of making DVD copies of more specials as well. If any one is intersed in a trade please send me an e-mail at Stulz@adelphia.net.
