Hello , I was cleaning out my storage and I discovered a movie poster from Muppet's Treasure Island. The difference is that it is not your usaul little paper movie poster. This thing is HUGE . It must be a good 5 feet by three feet in size. It is printed on a clothy material and is in perfect shape.
I have no idea what , if anything it is worth , but I thought I'd post it available on this board since you guys seem to be the real collectors.
It really is a nice poster . I just don't have any idea what it is worth . So feel free to make an offer if you are interested.
Thank you ,
I have no idea what , if anything it is worth , but I thought I'd post it available on this board since you guys seem to be the real collectors.
It really is a nice poster . I just don't have any idea what it is worth . So feel free to make an offer if you are interested.
Thank you ,