Kermit and Grover singing

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Has anybody ever noticed that while Kermit and Grover were a regular duo, they hardly ever sang any songs togetehr?

I know that they performed a number together on The Ed Sullivan Show, but besides that, it seems like they never sang togetehr on Sesame Street. Has anybody else ever foudn this odd?

They could have sang a song about opposites, especially since they did many demonstrations that had to do with opposites. They also could have sang about friendship (Still We Lime Each Other comes to mind), colors (Green and Blue sounds like a good title for a song), letters of the alphabet, or numbers.

In fact, it seems like all of Kermit's songs on Sesame Street were either solos, or featured back-up singign by one-shot or generic types of characters. Not counting his interviews with Don Music, where he helped Don write songs, he should have sang with other regular characters. He could have sang with The Count (a counting song between the two would have been good), Bert, Oscar (a green song, other than Bein' Green, would have been nice), Biff, Sam the Robot, Prairie Dawn, Herry Monster, Roosevelt Franklin, or Cookie Monster.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
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Intrestingly I tought Kermit and Grover are great friends but they never sang together. Maybe when Jim was alive they could've done a song like "We Do It Together" except replace cookies on a tree with Grover getting his frisbee over a wall. Then Kermit comes along and helps later Herry or Herbert Birdsfoot could come along and helps and gets the frisbee back. Or they could do Tu Me Gustas just like Grover did with Oscar except Kermit says nice compliments.

Come to think of it Random House Video should've releasd a video "The Best of Kermit and Grover". We could've seperate skits of Grover and Kermit as well as skits with them together.