Jim Henson, Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
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(This is originally from my Blog http://jonathanlikespotatoes.tumblr.com/)

21 years ago today, one of my hero’s soul left this Earth. But his impact still works in my life everyday.

I am using today to remember that one person can bring hope, joy, and laughter to a World that needs it the most if that one person has imagination and dreams.

When I was young, my ambition was to be one of the people who made a difference in this world. My hope is to leave the world a little better for having been there.
- Jim Henson

Mr. Henson, you accomplished your goal. You showed us so much of yourself through your characters.

With Sesame Street you showed us the power and privileged of learning and how much fun it could be. Many people I know learned their basic letters and numbers through your creations on Sesame Street. And after 40 years (and still going strong) your impact on the young people of this World has been huge.

Through The Muppets you taught us the power of togetherness. Though all of the characters where almost polar opposite and though they fought, nothing could take away their love and respect for one another. How much could a world divided by religion, political parties, race, sexual orientation, and labels learn from that? You taught us that it’s okay to be frustrated sometimes, but it is never okay to hate.

You showed us that you can create whole new worlds through The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. By putting your imagination on screen, you helped give us power to use ours. You did not care what your critics of contemporaries thought as you forged a new path with new technologies. You let your imagination sore to the highest of highs and showed me how to use mine.

Fraggle Rock taught me the power of love and friendship. Those characters message of coexistence and peace will always be one of the most powerful messages ever created in a TV show. You taught showed me to never judge a book by it’s cover.

Mr. Henson, thank you for not being scared to make your mark on this World. You inspire me to go after my dreams every single day. You help me remember to never stop learning, to love those around me, to let me imagination be untamed, and to always love those around me. I cannot wait to shake your hand in Heaven, sir.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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That was beautiful. I will add to it that without Jim Henson and The Muppets and everything that they stood for, I would never have become the fun, confident, interesting person that I claim to be today. I'd be shy, socially-awkward and (likely) never open to the opinions of others. It's thanks for Jim's vision of the world that I have changed and grown. I'll always love him for that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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When I realized what today was I decided to finally make my comeback to Muppet Central (this school term has been so absolutely hectic and I'm sorry for my long absence).

Jim was a remarkable man. He truly shaped so many people's lives, either with Sesame Street or the Muppets or Fraggle Rock. He was a man with a beautiful outlook on life and I know that I, and all of you, would not be who we are today without him. We certainly wouldn't be here, that's for sure.

So thank you, Jim, for all that you did in your short time here on earth. We're in your debt.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2003
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That was beautiful. I will add to it that without Jim Henson and The Muppets and everything that they stood for, I would never have become the fun, confident, interesting person that I claim to be today. I'd be shy, socially-awkward and (likely) never open to the opinions of others. It's thanks for Jim's vision of the world that I have changed and grown. I'll always love him for that.
True feelings my friends! I feel exactly this way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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I know I'm late to the thread, but I just want to say it was very refreshing to read the nice words about Jim here. TheMonsterAteMe did a beautiful job, and Beauregard and Puckrox had great words to add to that. Right on, you guys!

Even if everything related to Jim's creations had ceased to be made 21 years ago (For examples: no more Muppet movies, Sesame episodes, or Fraggle re-runs, and if they never put Dinosaurs into production), regardless of whether the newer generations ever caught on, I know I for one would always remember Jim's contributions to my childhood (and the world) with a lot of appreciation. Just as I do now, quite dearly. To this day, he remains an inspiration!

As I said once before, out of all the people I never met, he's of the few that I miss. First off, because of his kindness that I've heard and read about, and all he stood for. Secondly, the way he and his amazing crew were always able to express those powerful thoughts and messages with feeling in their art. Some of the most touching moments of any artform were done by the Henson team in Jim's lifetime.

And I'll never forget.

Thank you, Jim.