"Jackie and Daddy Byron" Part II

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Welp, in the vein o' really gearin' up fer February Sweeps, Jackie and Daddy Byron discuss another member of the infamous Byron family:


Daddy Byron: Hi Jackie!

Jackie: Hello Mr. Summers!! :smile:
Jackie: How are you today?

Daddy Byron: It's pouring rain here today, how about NJ?

Jackie: It's bright and sunny!
Jackie: although we do expect a snow storm late tonight

Daddy Byron: Wait until tomorrow, ya'll probably catch it then. I'm
good today.

Jackie: Yeah that's when they say it's coming. Oh i'm glad you're
good. I'm off from school today. :smile:

Daddy Byron: When I first heard the door-alert sound, I thought it might be Byron, but it's at least an hour early for him to be up. :big_grin:

Jackie: Yeah he sleeps pretty late with the hours he has to work

Jackie: Who is Beau?

Daddy Byron: That would be my big Collie dog, if you will give me
your e-mail address, I'll mail you a picture of him.

Jackie: oooh email me at "myaddy" (addy changed to protect the innocent)
Jackie: my AOL mail isn't working today

Daddy Byron: 'k, I'll do that right now, it'll take a few

Jackie: okey dokey let me know when it's sent!

Daddy Byron: I sent them once and got back a message saying you didn't have a yahoo.com acct, then I sent it again, look and see.

Jackie: I will go check
Jackie: hmm i didn't get it
Jackie: you know what I think byron already sent me a picture!

Daddy Byron: 'k.

Jackie: when I was looking for your mail i saw one from Byron with a picture of Beau!
Jackie: :smile:

Jackie: I used to have a collie like that when I was little!
Jackie: His name was Dante! :smile:

Daddy Byron: What do you think of a 90 lb. collie that can count to 10?

Jackie: Whoa! really?
Jackie: That's neat!

Daddy Byron: Yep, he'll bark the number of times you tell him to

Jackie: hehe, that's too cute, you taught him that?

Daddy Byron: Yes, and the funny part is that it only took 10

Jackie: Whoa!! LOL you have a smart doggie!

Daddy Byron: Yess, he'll be 8 years old in May. I'm going to get
off here, have to go to town in a bit. Nice chatting with you!:big_grin:

Jackie: OKay Mr. Summers! It was nice talking with you too! Happy Valentines day :big_grin:

Daddy Byron: Right back at ya'!

Jackie: Lol thanks!! Byeeeeee!


So we have officially introduced "Doggie Byron" in this new ground-breaking (ha!) series.

Tune in next time when you'll hear Jackie saaaaaaaaay...

Jackie: "LOL!"