At Dynamic Drive
Do a search there, you might find what you are looking for.
Below are ways that I know of for
seeing a source code.
Even if you can find a code to disable rick clicking or from viewing the source code, it might still be viewed by some of the methods I outlined below. One can still capture pictures and source codes even if right-clicking is disabled.
If you are trying to view a source code, if it's a link you are trying to find and it's hidden being Java or Shockwave, I don't know how you can view that.
However if you are using Internet Explorer, sometimes instead of right clicking to select "View Source", you can always go to the top of the browser and select VIEW>SOURCE. That might work.
Another possible way of seeing the source code if you have Internet Explorer is to click on i.E.'s Mail icon and select "SEND PAGE."
The web page will open up in an Outlook Express email.
At the top of the Outlook Express email, click VIEW and select "SOURCE EDIT".
If you have done this correctly, you will notice that on the bottom of your email you now have three tabs. EDIT, SOURCE, PREVIEW.
Under the EDIT tab is where you would write your letter.
Under SOURCE reveals the HTML Source Code.
Under PREVIEW it shows what the email will look like when sent.
To not see the Tabs anymore, in an Email just click VIEW and select SOURCE EDIT" again to remove the checkmark next to it.
Another way that sometimes works is to save the web page, (From I.E. click on FILE>SAVE AS). Once you have saved the web page to a folder, you can right click on it and change it's ending extension from HTML to TXT.
To do that you have to have File Extensions actively showing on your computer. Example:
Bein green.mp3
To have your computer show it's file extensions (which I recommend.) Go to START> MY COMPUTER . On the top window that opens click TOOLS>FOLDER OPTIONS. Click on the VIEW tab, take off the checkmark from "Hide extensions from know file types". Click APPLY and OKAY.
From then on all your files will show its extensions. That being DOC, JPG, GIF, WMA and so on...
Anyway if you do that and you saved a web page for example CNN.html to your hard drive, just right click on the saved webpage on the folder in your hard drive and select RENAME. Then just remove the letters HTML and replace it with TXT. Then when you click on it the web page will open up as a text file showing its source code.
If you are trying to stop people from right clicking on a picture on your website, it will still be captured by pressing the print screen button on your keyboard.
Hope that was helpful. Don't proceed if you are not sure of what you are doing. I can't help if you change something wrong. Good luck.