Is Muppets Going To Marvel Kids?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Let's face it, the sudden inexplicable halt of Pixar and Muppet titles under the Boom imprint can only mean one thing: These hot properties are going to go under the Marvel Kids brand. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if we'll get an official press release before Wondercon in April.

Not since the amazing Dreamwave comics abruptly ended in early 2005(and with it the best Transformers art and comics ever seen...sorry, IDW sucks), have I felt dismayed with a canceling.

Why is it on Boom Kids site, the only comics slated to come out are titles relating to Disney's classic 80's and early 90's properties? Fans of Ducktales, Darkwing, etc have plenty to still rejoice about...but these are not hot brands, and Disney wants current properties on Marvel

But given there will be a Cars sequel and the big Muppet tentpole movie, you can bet Disney will be releasing comics and magazine specials relating to them.

The other evidence is that Tron was released under Marvel. While yes, this wouldnt have fit under the "Boom Kids" line, it's just more anecdotal evidence that Disney wants their hot brands
under the Marvel and Marvel Kids brands. Slave Labor Graphics in 2006 was the official Disney properties brand, but we will soon see them putting it all under Marvel. Im sure we'll see a Pirates of the Carribean Marvel comics series.

The big question would be then, who will be the artist and writers of Muppets and Pixar under Marvel Kids imprint *if* this comes to pass? Will they keep the Boom hire, or do they already have a new team in place? Time will tell.

All I know is Boom Kids was to us in 2009 and 2010 what Palisades was to us in 2002-2005. Meaning they really gave us a lot of product we had long dreamt for and certainly raised the bar. So with that, a toast...because it was a very very good run but I am also excited to see what Marvel Kids can do


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I sure as crap hope not! Here's why...

Remember in the early 80's when Marvel had their line of Meh kiddy comics (90% of them written by the same person)? They haven't had any that lasted all that long except Heathcliff, ALF, and later on Ren and Stimpy. And that was the 80's and 90's. There's a difference in the market today. They no longer need to take kid's favorite characters from outside media sources, they just kiddify their own characters. Why would they need Kermit and Piggy, or Woody, Nemo, and Lightning McQueen if they have several different kid friendly versions of Spidey and Hulk? DC? Same deal, though they keep Looney Tunes on almost contractually and Scooby-Doo because he's Scooby-Doo. They have that (and I hope no one hates me for this) goofy Tiny Titans comic book. Really... remember when everyone was whining about the Teen Titans cartoons looking Anime style? How come that's so terrible but cutesy baby versions of them that look like a 4 year old drew it is amazing?

Among other things, indie comics producers give a lot more care and actually hire people who WANT to write and draw these things instead of in house people who may or may not care about the license (That Madballs comic... that Madballs comic was BRUTAL). Take a look at Marvel's Fraggle Rock comic and Archaia's. The Archaia ones are total awesomeness with stories that seem ripped out of shorter segments of Fraggle Rock with different artists and writers who all capture the spirit of Fraggley coolness. The Marvel ones were stolen from the show's plots, and only had one artist (who actually did a great job), and there was so little care and attention taken to it that it was canceled after 8 issues. I see any Muppet and Pixar lines, even under Disney's management, disappearing after less than 10 issues, having meh artwork and storylines, and being so full of ads, you swear you're looking at a Sunday coupon supplement.

Now, as for Dreamwave, the entire place went bankrupt because it was run by a greedy idiotic jerk (from what I hear) who's ego lead to everything just collapsing.