I Need Some Advice


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Jul 13, 2002
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Okay, this might not be the right place to post this, but then again, it may be. See, I need some help with something.

You all know who Hilary Duff is? Well, she is very young, sweet, talented, and beautiful. But I am very jealous of her, because she's so famous. I really wish I were, because I can play the piano really, really well. But most of the songs I play are from Sesame Street, but nobody really cares about old songs from Sesame Street. Why don't you think people like them. Or, why don't they show them anymore? How come the producers, or the people at Noggin, don't know how good the show was in the old days?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I guess what u said. As in whats the deal w/ Hilary Duff? As in what does that have to do w/ SS old episodes? I don't know? Well never see why until they finally see Noggin is going to the dogs. (as in down the drain) I fell sorry for Networks that have a good set up and then dicied to go w/ something else. Networks will never know but we do.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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Well, my question is: Why is Hilary's music popular, but not the old music from Sesame Street? And also, did you hear about that new show, "Real Access" that's on Noggin (or The N, actually)? That's so different from what they used to have! Why are they doing this? It's not fair!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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because her music is forced upon the preteens of america, while stuff goes unnoticed...

it's all in the marketing


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2002
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I've only heard maybe one or two of her songs before and they are nothing like Sesame music by any means, at least not the Sesame music I'm familiar w/ (anything pre-1990). You may hear Hilary on some kid's radio station mainly because she is directed towards younger teens (I guess) and possibly the occasional Muppety tune. But in all the time I used to listen to kid's radio stations (up until I was like, eh, 13 maybe) I can't recall Sesame music ever being on. It all comes down to the generalization label that Muppet/Sesame stuff has on it of being 'childrens'. Now, I wouldn't exactly call TMS a strictly-children's show, despite that it had some childlike segments -- TMS was made to entertain the world as a whole, not targeting any specific age bracket. But there's no way you can back up an argument that Sesame Street is geared towards people over, eh, 13 (very high estimate). Pop music is commercial, and the bottom line is that teens just don't want to put on Sesame Street music -- thus it is not commercial, thus it is not played.

Younger people never experienced Muppets the way us older folk (ok, so I'm only 19 [in a month]) so they just don't care about it like we do. It's sad but true, and I make it my mission to spread Muppets to as many people as I can. Heck, whenever my girlfriend comes to stay over at my place I show her various Henson stuff to, as I say, "Muppetize" her.

I don't get Noggin, myself, nor have I ever seen any Unpaved episodes, but I know the annoyance of station conversions all too well. Just recently (as in within the past few weeks) my favorite channel, Comedy Cental, sold off one of the last decent things they were airing (the only other watchable content is South Park) -- late 90's-2002 SNL episodes. Replacing one of my fave shows with one I absolutely cannot stand; Mad TV. I LOVED the stuff FOX Family was showing years back (they had a bunch of nice specials about ghosts that I loved watching on rerun) then ABC bought it out and took all my fave shows off. Oh well, live is constantly changing whether we like it or not.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2002
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Yeeeesh that took a long time to write up...heh. :zany:


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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Well, you see, guys, there's this other forum I found, the Hilary Duff Fan Club (HDFC). The people over there aren't half bad for giving advice, but for some reason, they're not as good as you. They don't know Sesame Street very well, and they don't even understand why I like it. But here's what would happen. I'm doing a parody of a skit from Sesame Street. Let's see if any of you can guess which one....

Hello there! Hey, you guys know who Hilary Duff is? Well, she's this really sweet, talented, and beautiful young singer. She's even younger than me. I really admire her, but at the same time, I can't help but feel a bit jealous of her because she's so famous. Now, she has a talent agency, and people write letters, and send them to that adress, and she gets them from that agency, you know. So what I'm gonna do is write a letter to Hilary, expressing my akward feelings about her, and I'm gonna ask her if she has any advice for me. (pauses)

Yeah, but wait a minute. You know what? Gee, I just happen to think, a lot of celebrities don't like people who are jealous of them. Mm-hmm. I'll bet most of her fans are totally happy for her for being so famous, you know. And then she's gonna get my letter, and she's gonna read my letter, and she'll know how jealous I am, and she's gonna hate me, I bet. Because I told her how jealous I am and everything. She'd probably even be scared. Wow. And you know what? She might not even GIVE me any advice, or even WRITE back to me. You know, a person who tells her how jealous they are, and scares her. Wow. And you know what, as a matter of fact, I bet that she would think that I'd even stalk her. I wouldn't. Of course, I wouldn't. But she would think I would! Wow! Matter of fact, she'd probably... she'd probably go around telling all my friends...not to give me advice about anything. She'd probably tell them that I'd stalk them, you know. She'd probably say how frightening I am, and people shouldn't advise me about anything. And people would stop giving me advice, and as a matter of fact, they probably wouldn't even speak to me anymore! :cry: Why, I used to have a lot of friends before that rotten old Hilary Duff started shooting off her mouth!! (pounds on her door, then she comes out, and she's beautiful, and very sweet) "Oh, hi, Geoffrey." :cry: Oh, yeah?! Well, if that's the way you feel about it, you can just keep your rotten old fans! So there!

If anyone knows which skit I'm parodying, feel free to post which one. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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Okay, not many people know this skit. But I'm parodying "Ernie Borrows a Vacuum Cleaner." It was a skit where he wanted to borrow Herbert Birdsfoot's vacuum cleaner, and he imagined all these bad things that would happen if he did.

Anyway, there is this girl I talk to online from that forum, she is 12 years old, and sadly, she watched Barney, and not so much SS. She says it's because Barney teaches friendship, manners, cleaning, and singing better than SS does. Is that what most people think? We obviously don't think that, but does anyone know anyone that age who was never really into SS? I was told that around the time she would have watched it, about 1994, that's when the show was not doing well. Is this true?

Amazing Mumford

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2003
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ssetta said:
Anyway, there is this girl I talk to online from that forum, she is 12 years old, and sadly, she watched Barney, and not so much SS. She says it's because Barney teaches friendship, manners, cleaning, and singing better than SS does. Is that what most people think? We obviously don't think that, but does anyone know anyone that age who was never really into SS? I was told that around the time she would have watched it, about 1994, that's when the show was not doing well. Is this true?
My cousins are around that age and NEVER watched Sesame Street as kids. They were big into Power Rangers, Barney, Blue's Clues and (of course) the Nickelodeon shows.

However, this clearly isn't true of all kids that age. I just think there's more on TV than when most of us were kids. Most homes have cable TV now and there's twice as many cable stations as there were in the 80s. I'm fairly confident Sesame will never be as popular as it was in the 70s and 80s, but that doesn't mean it won't be around for a long time to come.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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Well, it is still around. And I actually heard that the ratings are actually higher now than they were back in the mid 90s. So, that is a good thing. See, I think they're actually making it better for preschoolers, the audience it's geared for. Maybe WE don't think it's as good as it used to be, but it isn't geared for us. It's for preschoolers.

But also, there's a new show in "The N" called "Real Access", a spinoff of Access Hollywood. It's about celebrities and stuff. Do you think that's very educational, or even belongs there? I don't! I'd rather see Sesame Street Unpaved!