Boober would rock. Personally, I would love to have a Wembely since he's a spaz like me.
Hey, speaking of customs, I am looking for some reliable magnets to use for hats and such. And does' anyone know anything about what cooking a magnet would do to it's... Magnocity??? I know that's not a word, but looking at it, it should freakin well be!!
Also, If anyone can find me a GOOD pic of the Muppet Backstage area, I have already assembled the items required to create it from scratch, I just need something to create a blueprint from. And I already started making it by locking down the scale and creating the staircase. What a HUGE pain in the keister that is... Also trying to make it so that "people" sized figs and Muppet sized figs hit the desk at roughly the same spot (creating walkways near the front and "boxes" for muppets who aren't near the front to stand on...I want everyone backstage to be at waist height or so...) So yeah, if anyone knows how to find a great pic, I sure would appreciate it.