I just finished my media piece: "What's on the Roof?"


Active Member
Aug 16, 2002
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I just put the final touches to my media film, for my high school media studies final assessment. It's called "What's on the Roof?" It stars two puppets named Jim and Frank (my little homage) living in a house with a gigantic yellow monster on their roof. I filmed all the puppets on a greenscreen (which was nothing but trouble!) and imposed them into a refurbished dolls house, which in the end i think looks quite good. It's all very muppety, very silly and due to the massive cuts i had to make to fit it into ten minutes seems even sillier. The call an exterminator and get a visit from the postman, all of whom offer useless advice. Everyone who's seen it says i almost have a Kermit the Frog impersonation downpat, but i swear it was completely unintentional!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Congrats Cantus!!!

I'm sure it was a relief to get the project done, as well as an incredible sense of accomplishment.

Any chance of getting it uploaded to the net?

What's the future hold as far as college? Are you planning on venturing into the big bad world of entertainment?

I look forward to the day when all the MC entertainment types can get together to make a big lavish hollywood production! (hey, a frog can dream can't he?):big_grin: