Home (for a few days anyway)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Hi everyone,
Came home from NY this afternoon with an unexpected souvenir- a cold.:stick_out_tongue: It better go away by the weekend because I leave for my cruise on Sunday.
Now...I usually come home from NY saying what a great time I had up there. Guess what MC family? This time was different:
For one thing,my (now) 3 year old niece is extremely spoiled! You'd think a 3 year old likes to listen to songs from Sesame Street or any other kids' music. Not her. She listens to Elvis, Fergie (the song "Meet Me Halfway") plus any other songs you wouldn't expect a 3 year old would listen to. Her parents (my brother & sister in law) put some songs on an Ipod for her to listen to in the car. As soon as we get in the car,she says,"Daddy (or Mommy) put on my songs." No "Please" from her OK..I KNOW she might be a little young for manners. Then again...maybe not (What do I know?I'm only her aunt. I can't tell her to say please or thank you. That'd be overstepping my bounds)
My 10 year old niece-extremely sweet kid! She's my brother's daughter from his first marriage. One problem. She's expected to play with the 3 year old when she (older niece comes.) I'm sorry..but I don't think that's fair! Today,my mom my sister & I all agreed that my older niece probably dreads going to her dad's because of her little sister.(the word "step" or "half" isn't used there.) I'm 10 & 12 years older than my younger brother & sister (respectively) I was never told "You have to stay home and play with your brother/sister." when each one was 3. My older niece is coming down here in July (with her other grandmother,but it'll be nice for her...meaning my older niece..to know that she doesn't have to answer to a 3 year old.:rolleyes: )
I know I can't say anything to my older brother or my sister in law about the way the 3 year old acts.But I hope they straighten her out before she goes to pre school & thinks she can do/have ANYTHING she wants.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I'm very sorry about everything Kathy. As regards your cold I pray it goes away as soon as possible. :sympathy:

It must be very frustrating to you with your spoiled neice. :frown: Have a hug to cheer you up. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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I'm very sorry about everything Kathy. As regards your cold I pray it goes away as soon as possible. :sympathy:

It must be very frustrating to you with your spoiled neice. :frown: Have a hug to cheer you up. :smile:
Thanks Marty. Yeah..it is frustrating. I don't get it with my brother.My (older) niece wasn't spoiled by him & her mother when she was 3. (Then again I think they were divorced before she was 3. I don't know.) My (former) sister in law doesn't know that her daughter is stuck playing with the 3 year old. But at least the 10 year old gets a reprieve once the 3 year old goes to bed.