When and where did you first see what would become your all-time favorite TV show?
For me, here's a little story behind this: my mom suffers from insomnia (I do too OCCASIONALLY) so she has to take all of this strong sleeping medication to help her sleep, and the side effects make her kind of... "tipsy"... like if she's drunk or something. One day she promised to make me a homemade milkshake but she forgot but late that night (this was back in May of 2005 shortly after school was out) there she was in the kitchen eating ice cream (another side effect of the sleeping medication gives her the late-night munchies) and she's like "ready for your milkshake?" and it's like a little after midnight but since she didn't know what she was going because of her medication she insist on my having a milkshake so I took it (even though I had just brushed my teeth and was getting ready for bed so now I'd be going to bed with sugar and vanilla in my system). Nothing was on TV that night and as I was flipping through channels I was intriqued by the show M*A*S*H; and when I saw that one episode (I forget which one it is now but it had to do with a stolen side of beef) I was hooked. So thanks to my mom's sleeping medication, M*A*S*H is now my all time favorite show, I have a copy of "The Complete Book of M*A*S*H", I have seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 on DVD (just missing 5 but it was on my wishlist), I taped the three hour (in syndication) series finale (Hallmark actually aired it uncut!), and I'll definitely be watching TV Land in January to see the two reunion specials!
For me, here's a little story behind this: my mom suffers from insomnia (I do too OCCASIONALLY) so she has to take all of this strong sleeping medication to help her sleep, and the side effects make her kind of... "tipsy"... like if she's drunk or something. One day she promised to make me a homemade milkshake but she forgot but late that night (this was back in May of 2005 shortly after school was out) there she was in the kitchen eating ice cream (another side effect of the sleeping medication gives her the late-night munchies) and she's like "ready for your milkshake?" and it's like a little after midnight but since she didn't know what she was going because of her medication she insist on my having a milkshake so I took it (even though I had just brushed my teeth and was getting ready for bed so now I'd be going to bed with sugar and vanilla in my system). Nothing was on TV that night and as I was flipping through channels I was intriqued by the show M*A*S*H; and when I saw that one episode (I forget which one it is now but it had to do with a stolen side of beef) I was hooked. So thanks to my mom's sleeping medication, M*A*S*H is now my all time favorite show, I have a copy of "The Complete Book of M*A*S*H", I have seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 on DVD (just missing 5 but it was on my wishlist), I taped the three hour (in syndication) series finale (Hallmark actually aired it uncut!), and I'll definitely be watching TV Land in January to see the two reunion specials!