Here I go again! (No replies are neccesary)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I've had a VERY long and tiring week!

It started off with a bummer...having to go to the hospital to discover that my toe was indeed broken. I have to have is wrapped and wear a special boot for 3-4 weeks!
Monday was a little better, with my surprise of finding mail addressed to me from Kathy Greenwood. :big_grin: !
My mom has been working all week, my dad's on one of his trips, so I've been alone for most of the week. Not that I'm upset about that, but when it gets dark outside, and I'm the only one gets a little uncomfortable.
Thursday was the worst, 2 hours of chemstry as usual! But it was better this week because we didn't have any math to do, and our experiment was trying to get a little light hooked up to a battery to light up in different solutions. Followed by a trip to the bookstore for my break, where I skimmed through a copy of "The Complete Book of M*A*S*H" and the new Henson quote book. After that was an hour of geometry, and I failed my college entrance preview exam. Once at home, my mom had to leave for work, and by the time she got back, I had to hit the sack.
Today was okay, just very long and very tiring. I didn't feel like doing much, so I'm not.
Sadly, I still kinda sad over That Announcer's disappearance without an explanation. To explain how I feel about it is the same way Hawkeye felt when he returned from R&R to discover Trapper went home without saying anything.

But the ups about this week were: as I stated before, mail from Kathy Greenwood, a rare find of Ed, Edd n Eddy matchbox cars, and joining a cool Whose Line forum.

Well, I'm done, and feel better now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ok. This is not a reply.

Oh, darn...yes it is!

Bea:zany:{Made youlaugh!}regard


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Too darn bad, I'm replying.

At least your bads came along with some goods, though, right? **hugs** Think about those, instead of the things that make you down. And think of how you can change the bad situations. Then it won't feel like such a black hole.

Here's to next week being a little easier on ya. :smile: