Til lykke med fødselsdagen!
Til = To
Lykke = happiness
med = with
Fødselsdagen = Birthdaythe (The birthday)
So, to happiness with the birthday! hehe! It really doesn't make any sense in english. So I'd better say:
Tak for denne enestående vidunderlige side! Tak tak tak!
Tak = Thanks
for = for (aha!)
Denne = this
enestående = unique
Vidunderlige = Wonderful
Side = site (aha!)
Tak = thanks/thank you
Tak = Thanks/thank you
Tak = Thanks/Thank you
Vibs Moppet: you know I think they get it.
Oh okay.
Viq: I don't get it.
Vibs: Well, you don't get anything.
Viq: *frowns*
Um, sorry they are getting the best of me again! Anyway, have a lovely day! Hooray!!!