Good things we can say about modern Disney


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I know a lot of us have been kind of harsh on Modern Diz, turning the mouse into a proverbial Everlast punching bag...but I wanted to mention a few of the things they are doing right.

In the midst of such snafus as Country Bears, Treasure Planet, and an endless array of cheapquels...

*Finding Nemo...yes, its 100% Pixar, but ya gotta give it up to Diz for their great marketing campaigns of Pixar. Sure I twinge when I see them try and put Buzz and Woody in the same canon as Mickey and Goofy...but there is no denying their PR might.

*House of Mouse: The idea to have a cartoon that brings together all the characters from all sorts of canon is sheer brillaince.

*That rumored 50th film that brings together all the! Like House of Mouse, this is a brillaint song and dance fairy princess existential child protective services koala movie...(yeah i liked lilo and stitch, but it felt like the Diz was reaching more than enlightening)
I had though Lilo and Stitch was to be like this given the trailers and posters...but good to see their using this idea..and idea I might add that hasnt been done since Roger Rabbit. if only JHC could make a new Muppet film with Muppets, Sesame, Fraggles, etc^_^

*The KICK BUTT new Disney action figures! Be it Kingdom Hearts or those new Japanese import mini Forget EVERY piece of Disneyana figurine/figure youve ever seen...these two lines are in my book thee greatest and coolest Disney figures ever.

*MuppetVision3d...its not much, and is certainly far from a theme park, but its something! Plus Disney came out with the coolest modern Muppet plushes...cant say the same for other companies sadly(Nanco, German Mcdonalds, etc)

So yes, I and others tend to bag on modern Disney alone. Yes, they seem to have ripped off anime here and there, and adapted it into their look...but the anime look was actually influenced from early Disney its a circle. And yeah they have a lot of stinker films...but I'll tell you a couple in recent years that blew me away: Fantasia 2000(WOW!!!), Emperor's New Groove, and Tarzan.

so yes folks...the Diz definately has its moments these days.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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My thoughts

Actually, I think that Lilo and Stitch and Emperor's New Groove (the latter especially) were the two most Brilliant Disney films of recent years. Tarzan, I was very Dissapointed with. If they cut out half of the flashback and musical number bits, they could have focused on him being the lost heir to the thrown. I thought maybe that would be a sequal, but the "sequal" was just the cartoon show spliced together in 90 minute form.

House of Mouse, I must say is garbage (except for most of the main cartoon segments they show). The reason why they put the characters all together is basically for advertising their characters. Why do you think they use mostly popular ones like Beauty and the Beast, and not obscure ones like Darkwing Duck or such?

Roger rabbit was a collaberation, so they had cartoon characters from Disney, Warners, and even the Fleisher brothers. And they were each animated in their own style. H of M just uses the same flat animation....


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Ok, wait.....I can think of some........

....No, really, I CAN......


Just kidding!!! But seriously, the Diz has made some BIG mistakes, (and I think yall can tell by now I'm no big fan of Eisner), and yeah, they screwed Pixar over ROYALLY w/their contract wrangling.....(Oh, wait, this is why we LIKE modern Disney!!! Sorry.....I really do have some things I like a/b Disney, just not many.)
....But, I agree:Emperor's New Groove is DEFINITELY one of my favorite movies, and I liked Mosters, Inc alot!!!! (Though I like Emperor's New Groove better!!! You HAVE to applaud how offbeat it was!!!)
Watched House of Mouse the other day, and I must admit, some of the segments are actually rather clever. The animation can be pretty flat, but it's not AWFUL....I liked the sponsor segments the best, b/c it was stuff that actually poked fun at Disney characters & cliches!!!
And, hey, modern Diz shows us Kim Possible, and that show has a bizarrely addictive quality to it.....And it's pretty good!
.....Back to you, Cory!!!
(Sorry. I tried.)