We all know that Dr. Bunsen Honeydew comes up with these wacky inventions in his lab, and then he asks his assistant Beeker to demonstrate the new inventions. Then KAPOW! MEEEEEP MEEEEP MEEEEP WOOOOH WOOOH! Well how about if Dr. Benson invents a time machine and he takes the muppets for a thrilling ride in time. They could see Statler And Waldorf as babies or as little kids, the Muppets could see themselves as babies, or go to historical events to learn about the past. But Tragic things would occur i.e. Beeker would accidently knock over the large stones from Stonehenge, Gonzo would be mistaken as a Pteradactyl's lost baby, even animal would go crazy as Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity, and as a result he would get struck by lighting and get electricuted. The future would be altered and it would not look good.