From the Mailbox


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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As I said in my thread "Saving the Dream" *looks over at empty thread as a tumble-weed goes by* Wow I really should clean in there more often. Er I was saying...The Count has been great in keeping me up to speed (not that I have time to read enough) with the latest and greatest fanfics. Now due to time constraints and laziness factor...I'm creating the ultimate response thread for myself. I encourage everyone to respond directly into the author's thread. This is for discussions on stories that go on and on and muffin the story thread terribly. That and for me to post my thoughts and unfunny jokes :smile:. This week I bring you Beth's "In Love and Harmony" This was chosen democratically and with utmost fairness...because it was the first in my mailbox.

In Love and Harmony

Kermit smiled, he knew she'd change her mind. He continued to wait for
his oldest friend to come down so they could go to the tux shop
together. He still
couldn't believe Rowlf was hanging up his flea collar and getting
married. They certainly had come a long way to this point.
A truly sweet moment and statement I love. The visual just before hand is to ruin the know Wanda might want him to keep that flea collar. Unless she has a fondness for bedbugs :stick_out_tongue:

"Of course it was a good thing not bringing Gonzo along, he would've
gone for the wild and crazy chartreuse and maroon plaid ensemble over
there," said
Kermit wrinkling his nose at a mannequin.
I can see it now. Gonzo and Camilla's wedding the hall decorated in chartreuse and maroon.....bright pink roses everywhere....and plenty of jello to jump into....

"I can't explain it girls, I just know. See, we're just so deeply
connected. I look into his eyes and I can see into his heart and his
soul. And I know
when he looks at me he sees the same thing. That's how I know," said Wanda.
*sniff* Tissue please...I need a moment......*dabs eyes* Okay I'm better....roll

....this commentary to be continued at a later date...when I have more time to type and I'm not late for work! :eek:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Clean up Saving the Dream? Why not just call Bo? Oh yeah, he'll probably mess it up even more.
J/K. Yaey! She's reviewing! Slowly, but surely.

Post more thoughts when you get the chance... And the fics will keep getting sent straight to you boss.
*Zips off like Scooter would to get the next story ready for shipping to Christy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Thanks Christy! It's so funny you posted this today because, *shameless plug*, I posted a new chapter today!

I look forward to what else you say about mine and other stories!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Gah! How dare you...because..because...I haven't even finished reviewing your story yet! :stick_out_tongue:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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And I haven't finished sending it to you.
Hee hee hee.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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In Love and Harmony Commentary Part Two...

Eduardo, so I noticed when I went to look for it. Anyways, on with the show...

"Kermit, who do you think that could be?"

"We're all here aren't we?"

"I don't know man, I lost count,"

"No one ever comes here at night!"

"Maybe it's a door to door salesman who is selling pudding filled
exploding underwear!"

Not much to say other than rave about how hilarous this is...and that for some odd reason it reminds me of my family when the doorbell rings...

He found a woman standing there with dark glasses and a hat holding a notebook.
Could it be?

What's up green stuff?"

"Who was at the door?"

"Was it an admiring fan her to see moi?"

"Where's the pudding filled exploding underwear?"

"QUIET!!!" yelled Kermit finally getting everyone's attention.
Again I find this hilarously funny. That and poor Kermit having to go through this everytime the doorbell rings!

"Oh my goodness, Wanda, you're even more lovely in person than you are
on t.v.," said Marie with almost a hint of emotion in her voice.
Tis it?

"The two of you are getting married?" said Marie sounding slightly disgusted.
Uh oh...Mama don't likie.....wait did I just give something away :wink:

"You know, you sound so familiar to me, I can't figure out why," said
Wanda to Marie.
Wake up Wanda! It's you know who!

"Oh, I've been on t.v. myself you know with the magazine. Anyway, I
just have to ask, and I don't mean this to sound rude, but have you
considered the backlash
you may receive by marrying a dog?" said Marie.

"Excuse me? I happen to be a large supporter of interspecies
relationships and we are proof that it does work," said Wanda angrily
standing up.

"I think we're going to have to ask you to leave," said Rowlf
squeezing Wanda's hand
Ouch, that smarts. Someone has issues...Just a little.

"Well, this is awkward," said Rowlf after a few minutes. This was
certainly an unexpected turn of events.
Kinda an understatement don't ya think? Certainly ranks up there in the top ten "Worst Meet the Parents Scenarios"

"Well I just have to say, no daughter of mine is going to be marrying
any dog!" exclaimed Marie and then gasped as she realized she blew her
Wait a min...I think I got outta order. Anyways, I smell a history here. What's Marie's story? Why did she take off? These are the things that plague me....

“Are we crazy? Is it wrong that she’s a cat and I’m a dog? Should we be going through with this?” asked Rowlf.

“Do you love Wanda?” responded Kermit.

“More than anything,” said Rowlf.

“Then you know the answers to those questions yourself,” said Kermit and walked away.
Now that's soo sweet. Rowlf if Wanda didn't have her claws in you just for that I'd take ya! :flirt:

“Broken. But she’s going to be all right,” whispered Rowlf back. He knew in his heart of hearts that they’d all be all right with time.
Poor Wanda! This has to be hard for her. *hugs Moe the dog plushie*

They finished eating and took a slow walk through town to the Fuzzy Feet Hotel.
Okay this has nothing to do with anything nor has a clever comment...I just really like the hotel name.

No, not that. You were unbelievably rude to my fiancé. If you’re going to be in my life in any shape or form, you have to accept the fact that I am marrying a dog. I love Rowlf more than anything in this world and I am prepared to walk out that door right now and not look back if you can’t handle it,” said Wanda.

Marie was quiet and frowned.
Uh oh! Marie do the right thing quick!

And that's that until the next installment. Tune in to "From the Mailbox" at a later time and date to be determined when I bring you Prawnie's "Don't Trip the Driver"

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh good, you're caugh up with the rest of us in Love and Harmony.

Um, did I send you SMG Ch 15?
Cause I know I'm owing you KG Ch 45 as well.
And I hope to have Lisa's heart to send you as soon as I receive it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Let's I don't have SMG's okay b/c I'm two chapters behind in reading. So send that along whenever you can.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Yea! Christy's all caught up! I'm glad you've enjoyed it thus far and thanks for the detailed review! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Uh oh... Christy's gonna read my sotry? *gulp* Well, on the bright side, I could prolly get Beau to post his review before her if I tell him he could have a chance to beat Christy at something. :stick_out_tongue:

Can't wait Christy! :big_grin: