Oh oh! I think I can answer this cuz I have a copy. From what I was told, when the series ended, I guess the folks who worked on the series got this special... I dunno, lost episode sort of thing. It showed the 5 main fraggles after the series finished shooting discussing what they were gonna do now that the series was over.
Red was gonna help coach a hockey team or something, Mokey found a boy friend in the form of a famous vantriloquist ( I can't spell w/o my spellcheck ) puppet ( of whom I can't remember the name ), Gobo was gonna start a singing career as " Gobo the Frosty Fraggle ", I think Wembley was just gonna take it easy... and get rid of the banana tree shirts and um... oh yeah, Boober was having trouble finding work. For the most part, it was a " thanks to the crew type of thing because throughout the whole show, the fraggles mentioned many of the behind the scenes workers on Fraggle Rock.
The end is very... unsatisfying as it fades to black while the fraggles all sing a version of " Children of Tommorow " they say something like " We work again sometime.... tomorrow ". It's unsatisfying because it leaves me at least REALLY wanting more.
I'm gonna hafta try watching it again. It's also a darn good reason for me to find some one who has one of those new DVD writers.
Anyway, maybe this was what you were refering to. Heh heh heh.