Manda:-D said:
Hm. Guess there's two different ones, cuz I remember one that involved the vowels. Forgetful would sing, "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiklahoma", or "Aaaaaaaklahoma", and Kermit would keep yelling "NO! OH-klahoma!!!! OH-klahoma!!!!!" till Forgetful finally got it right.
I remember that sketch (not the exact wording, but the punchline:
Jones: Aaaaaaaaa-klahoma, where the wind...
Kermit: Cut! It's Oklahoma. Take two.
Jones: Eeeeeeeee-klahoma, where the wind...
Kermit: Cut! It's Oklahoma. Take three.
Jones: Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-klahoma, where...
Kermit (getting frustrated): It's not A-klahoma! It's not E-klahoma! It's not I-klahoma, it's O-klahoma! Got that? O-klahoma! Take four!
Jones: Oooooooooo-klahoma, where the wind...
Female anything muppet: Cut!
Kermit: Cut? Why?
Female anything muppet: Four takes take so long, it's time for lunch!