Falling Apart


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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:smile: First off, I want everyone to know that, before they read this, I love the Mupets as much as I do my own family. But secondly, as I've said in the past, I don't think the Muppets are doing well. I mean, sure, they've made quite a handful of TV appearances, but usually when they do, it seems offbeat, unfunny and weird. And last nights' appearance on EM:HE is the thing that prompted me to write this. I know there's a lot of avid fans of the Muppets (believe me, I'm definitely one of them, but I love the Jim Henson era). And I also understand that some of the performers have passed on from this world to the next, and others have left due to sickness or doing other projects, and that's fine.

But the Muppets are losing their pizzazz, talent, and adult appeal. Heck, nowadays when I'm sitting and watching the Muppets make an appearance on some show, I get almost embarrassed when I'm watching them with my parents. I get embarrassed because I know that they are doing below average work, wit were actually funny back then; my stepdad used to watch the show back then and he said he loved it... he really loved the cool people like Floyd, Rowlf, and others. Those were the characters whose personality reached the adults in the audience. But now, due to unfortunate changes over time, we don't have any characters that can reach the adult watchers. Now, when it comes to the Muppets these days, not all the Muppets are embarrassing to watch; I like the interaction between Johnny and Sal, and Gonzo and Rizzo are fun to watch in small doses.

But what I'm really trying to reach here is the change in Kermit the Frog. I'm sure you guys have heard me complain about Steve, and I've heard remarks saying "Steve's not Jim," and "The Muppets are doing what they can," and "They're just trying to fit the Muppets into our day and age." Let me split those three comments up... first I know Steve's not Jim, but that doesn't mean he has to alter Kermit's entire personality. He really should have studied Jim on a deeper level, or given Kermit to someone who could do him perfectly. And if it's true that the Muppets are doing what they can, then that really shows where they'll be in the future. Also, they don't have to fit the Muppets according to our day and age. If the Looney Tunes did that, we'd never see Wile E. Cyote unsuccessfully try and get the Road Runner.

Do you see what I'm saying... the Muppets should never change from what got them famous. What they are doing now is keeping them from making another Muppet sitcom. And even if they did, it would falter. If you'd like, read on... and see the post-Henson timeline. But before you do, know that I do realize that The Jim Henson Hour wasn't a complete success, but it still had Jim, plus it introduced new, neat characters like Digit and Leon.

Two years after the death of Jim Henson, The Muppet Christmas Carol was shown in theatres, and it featured Gonzo and Rizzo telling the story along the way. To me, there's nothing to complain about here. Dispite the absence of some characters and the fact that the Muppets were telling a story by someone else, it still had the magic that existed when Henson was around.

Not long later, however, they decided to make another movie that dealt with the Muppets portraying characters in another famous book, called Muppet Treasure Island. Here's where I see them falling apart. It was cool to see the Muppets doing this in MCC, but as Kermit said, when Piggy complained about Foo-Foo only being on TMS once... "Once was enough." The kid who played Jim Hawkens annoyed me to no end, and I still fast-foward through some of his lines. Gonzo and Rizzo teamed up to be leads again, Fozzie played the most embarrassing role in his life, and overall, the characters seemed a little dull. I did love Gonzo's comment in the barrel about his pants being filled with starfish, and I thought Sam the Eagle was a riot.

Muppets Tonight... wow, where to begin? Let's see, Andy and Randy, Gonzo and Rizzo being ahead of Fozzie, Clifford being the host, which I'm surprised no one went up to Steve Whitmire and told him to use Kermit the way someone went up to Jim all those years and suggested to him to use Kermit instead of Nigel. I'm sure there's more, but my overall opinion... that should have been shown on Saturday mornings due to the intelligence used in the material.

Then there's Muppets From Space. This should have never been made. First off, I didn't want to know where Gonzo came from. That was like finding out where Animal or Beaker came from... you don't know where they came from, yet you don't care. It seemed like a slow-paced movie, and wasn't that thrilling. After seeing them all get up out of bed in their opening number, it gave me the message that this was going to be alright...

Alright, now there's the Kermit Swamp Years (I think maybe this lowered Steve's intelligence about Kermit more) Kermit's appearace on Jimmy Kimmel, The Nick and Jessica Variety Hour, and of course, It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie. Wow... what an upset. I'll tell you what I did like; the opening sequence with everyone celebrating Christmas, Scooter and Janice talking, and we were taken back to the Muppet Theatre, with backstage moments included. I wasn't completely upset by it, but I think it's one of my least favorite Muppet showings. Then there's last night (EM:HE). The one exception to all of their appearances was when Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo, and Animal sang "Christmas Time Is Here," on SNL; however, not the part of the show where Kermit and DeNiro sang.

I'm sorry to have offended anyone by my opinions about my feelings on the lack of progress with the Muppets. These are just my opinions. If people post back agreeing with me, that's fine. And if you don't agree, that's fine too; we're all entitled to our opinions. But if someone asked me if I had to pick a choice between seeing all this take place or not seeing the Muppets at all, I'd say I'd stick with not seeing them at all, because then it would be left at just that. I know I really picked apart the Muppets and the JHC, and trust me, I do feel a little wrong about writing all of this, but maybe this will all make a difference, a positive difference, and the Muppets will turn back around. I love Steve Whitmire as a performer, and I think he has the potential to change this around. If he is going to play the leader of the Muppets, then he needs to think like a leader himself. Some may ask, well Frogster, what would you do? I'd say, take a look back, and look at what got you famous in the first place...

I don't hate what's going on, really. I know that sounds contradictory, believe me. To me, it's like they're starting all over again. I mean, it took a while for Jim to put this together in the first place, right? The Muppets Valentine Show and Muppets: Sex and Violence weren't perfect, and the Muppets didn't become famous overnight. But they are taking longer at getting it together, and it's because Jim's gone. There's not one soul on this earth who knew what to do with the Muppets better than Jim, and there never will be. But I think if the Muppet team keeps trying, they'll eventually get it. I believe in them, and if just one person believes in you, deep enough and strong enough, believes in you... hard enough and long enough, before you know it, someone else will think, "If he can do it, I can do it." :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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I understand what you are trying to get across and I agree with you on some points. But yes, It is like the Muppets are starting over. So we as fans have to be patient and wait for great things to continue. However, I love what the muppets have done from Muppet Christmas Carol to Kermit's Swamp Years. And I'm looking forward to Oz. I laugh last night and Sunday and thier antics on Extreme Makeover. To me this is a great direction the Muppets are heading and a bright future ahead. So to everyone who has, is, or will work with The Muppets...Great Job!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ok. Where to begin?

Let's start at the end and work our way back.

I havn't seen EM:HE, but the most recent Muppet thing I have seen is Stadler and Waldorf on Movies.com and that is a wreck. Why? First off all, they are trying too hard. The Muppets know that they are no longer appealing to adults, and they are doing their darnnded to turn that around, but they are going too far. Rather than embrasing the Muppets' new edgyness, parents are turning them off as not funny for themselves, and not fit for their children.

People argue about the Land of Gorch segments being similar in theme and age-appeal to the S&W on Movies.com, but what I'd like to put forward as a thought here is: land of Gorch did Not get famous. Muppet Show did. Why? because it appealed to all. I don't know how, but it did.

There was adult humour, lots of it, but it was hidden under foam puppets. Sesame Street originally had parents hooked by it and sitting through the entire show for the same reason.

Let's go back a littler further.

Kermit's Swamp Years. To me this show meant that JHC had thrown their hands in the air and said, "Fine. If adults don't want the Muppets, let's give them to kids." As such, the story line sucked big-time, script, lines, voices, characters, puppet, puppetry, all of it sucked. Why? Because they had lowered the tone to kiddies.

Back a bit further to Muppet's From Space. Why did this film fail? Was it because it was a sad parody? Was it because we don't want to know about Gonzo's past? One reason the film did not gell with me was the harsh songs therein. Every song just rubbed me the wrong way. The singers sounded rude, and harsh, not like Muppet film music and soundtracks should be.

Muppet Treasure Island. Now, I am going to disagree with Frogster here and say that was when I think the Muppets were at their best (post Jim). Funny, whitty, wonderfull. The human kind were well acted (better than any other Muppet film. Muppets from Space had terrible human acting, as did KSY, MTM, and MM), the costume/sets/muppets were colourfull and glitzy, the songs were original and fun. A adults enjoyed sitting down to watch this rendition of Treasure Island. The only let down was Fozzie and Mr bimbo (what the heck was That all about…?)

Christmas Carol was a disappointment. It would have been good if there had been any Muppets in it (I joke)

I have not seen Muppet Tonight, but I think that was where JHC slipped. They decided to go for crude sexual humour and that was their downfall.



I'm a Gnu, how do you do? And if g'you think I'm g'going to interprite all that you've g'got a-g'nother thought g'coming.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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Dear Beauregard,

Over my time at Muppet Central there have been several things I have not wanted to say, in case of causing offence. But after reading your last post, you have totally pushed me over the edge. Over my 6 months I have read your threads and laughed at the randomness of them. But all along there has been something bothering me. I am about to vent my feelings...now.


Thankyou, I've been TutterTheMouse.

:wink: xx


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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*shocked intake a breath*

*gulp of air*

*air rushes into lungs*

*quite unable to say anything*

*fially finding my voice box joints crank into action*

*come on vocal cords do not fail me now*


Thank you.



I'm a Gnu, (How do you do?) Thanks be to g'you.