Ernie Build


Apr 16, 2024
Reaction score
Well, I just had to do Ernie since I did Bert. This had to be my quickest build. I somehow only spent 4 days from start to finish while only working at him at night. I think with me finally not making as many sewing mistakes has helped drastically with time. I still claim to have no clue what I am doing, and I learn something new and a better way to do it every time. :smile:
I will say that making puppet characters that have clothes is just quite the pain, but honestly it's an awesome learning experience and I recommend trying it if you haven't.
I'm here to help others build, so ask me anything. I also wrote up a full image guide on how I built him here:
I am trying to be better about capturing everything during the journey as I hope someone out there finds it useful or gives them that spark to try.
Thanks, all!