There was a skit that involved Ernie(without Bert) and Simon Soundman. I don't remember all the dialogue but Simon came into Ernie's apartment and started describing a problem he had using various sound effects. Ultimately ending in simon asking Ernie if he can use his(brrrrring) telephone to call the garage and fix my car! It ended with Ernie saying something like "shoe, of course you borrow my(he imitates the same sound effects of a telephone) to call the garage to fix your car. Then Simon got offended and said "say, are you making fun of the way I talk"? Ernie stars to stutter and Simon walks out with slamming the door > Ernie then looks into the camera and says "Gee, he didn't have to (sound effect of a door slamming) the door"! Followed by a vintage Ernie giggle. anyone else remember the rest?