I think it was awesome that Eric didn't respond to the questions at the end.. It gives the characters so much consistency in terms of personality. For example, on a recent appearance on E news, Elmo was told by online voters that he should recieve a reality show. Elmo resonded by saying WHAT! Elmo would never do any of that!! It just made me think, "Do Elmo's parents let him watch Jersey Shore?" Of course it was still handled well, All the puppeteers were great, but you know.. it still felt weird kinda.
As for Mrs.Piggy on talkshows well, Eric does address the dumber questions. and Piggy always puts the interviewer in their place!
Talk Show Host: I noticed you wear your ring on top of your glove, why is that?
Piggy: What a stupid question! If I wore it underneath you couldn't be able to see it!