End of the line winners and losers

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
So I was over at Palisades message board and something similar was done, but I was wondering, now that the line is coming to a close, what your favorite, least favorite, best of, worst of and everything in between figures are. Make up your categories as you feel necessary and let us know! Here are mine:

Best Likeness - Gonzo in purple tux
Best exclusive - Jim Henson Muppet (what a flettering tribute that is!)
Funniest Interpretation - The Newsman (He's that short!? Genius)
Best Sculpt - Sam the Eagle (All those feathers!)
Best Playset - PIS is the most acurate, so it get's my vote.
Best Accesories - Everything that comes with FS Robin. That trunk is a life saver with all the other accessories.
Most questionable interpretation - Scooter, is he really that tall?
Worst Paint Job - Marvin Suggs paint is still tacky, but I'm disapointed in Animal's colors... Pink fur and an orange nose, not happy with that.
Least Favorite Playset - It's still cool, but the Muppet Labs playset is like nothing I've ever seen on TMS or anywhere for that matter.
Best overall feature of line - How they added the texture to the Muppet's skin.
Best Articulation - Purple Tux Gonzo
Sexiest figure - Janice, nice legs!
Most depressing figure - Rowlf, he's totally expressionless.
Worst accesory - Dr. Teeth's keyboard
Most impressive figure - Rizzo and Pepe, I'm very impressed in the amount of detail and articulation despite their small size.
Most frustrating accesory - Steppin' Out Fozzie's hat.
Best Balanced Figure - The Swedish Chef
Worst Balanced Figure - Mega Animal
Best Dressed Figure - Brown shirt Lips
Worst Dressed Figure - Silver shirt Lips
All around Favorite Figure - Purple Tux Gonzo, very closely followed by Koozebane Kermit


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2002
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Vic Romano said:
Least Favorite Playset - It's still cool, but the Muppet Labs playset is like nothing I've ever seen on TMS or anywhere for that matter.
Yeah, what was with Muppet Labs? It's supposed to look more futuristic! Nice listing. :smile:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Vic Romano said:
Best Playset - PIS is the most acurate, so it get's my vote.
Worst Paint Job - Marvin Suggs paint is still tacky, but I'm disapointed in Animal's colors... Pink fur and an orange nose, not happy with that.
Least Favorite Playset - It's still cool, but the Muppet Labs playset is like nothing I've ever seen on TMS or anywhere for that matter.
- It's funny if you realize that the original PIS set which was used for filming, was so big they could have played a soccer match inside it (you can see a picture of it in the book "of muppets and man"). Therefore the playset doesn't look like the real set, but only like how the set looked on TV. But who cares anyway.

- In my opinion, Checkered Suit Gonzo Collectors Club Tin has the worst paint job.

- I though that the muppet labs playset had nothing to do with TMS, but with some Disney park


Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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The level of thoughtfulness going into this shows the dedication and the support of the fan-Vic Ramano. I don't want to lessen that by not putting in my OWN two cents about MY picks here. So they won't ALL match his awards, but most will cause the categories are pretty stellar so far.

Best Sculpt: Pops. I love this sculpt, right down to the Sweater vest.

Worst Sculpt: I think many of us agree, cause it's the most ragged about figure around, Original Miss Piggy, S1. Not the best for what I wanted, but Palisades was still finding it's groove here.

Best Articulation: This one is also pretty tough but I think it's a tie between Clifford and Johnny Fiama. So there ya go.

Worst Articulation: S1 Kermit. Yeah, I know more articulation would have fudged up the likeness, but I didn't care. I wanted some kinda ninja-like posability in my Kermit. I'm happy with what I got, but this was my biggest letdown in articulation, which isn't really that big a letdown.

Best Accessories: Bo's mop/ broom/ mop bucket. This figure had it all. And is he the last figure to have magnetic hat action??? If so, then he seals it.

Most innovative articulation: Muppet Newsman's bobble head. Nuff said. Still don't know if ALL Of them have the bobble head, but mine is awesome.

Best Paint: Could it be??? S2 Fozzie. I love the paints on this one. The rest were good too, but this one took the cake.

Biggest surprise figure: Adventure Kermit. He rules hands down. Even reporter Kermit was not a big stretch, as Adventure Kermit was pretty much made up on the spot.

That's all I got for now. I'm sure more will come up soon, but for now, feel free to argue/ debate any points here. That's what I love about internetting...