Early forest segment


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2019
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Okay, I don't know if anyone would remember this one, but I vaguely seem to remember a skit from Sesame Street that took place in a rather spooky-looking forest with two Muppets (I'm pretty sure it was a father and his son). The reason why I refer to the setting as being ""spooky-looking" was because the painted background consisted of what looked like various acres of dead trees without leaves, especially one tree that REALLY stood out among the rest. It was to the right of the scenery, and it was VERY oddly-shaped, rather angular in form, and had some holes near the trunk, making it look like a horrific, narrow, ghoulish sort of face. It doesn't help much that we see it just "there" throughout much of the segment, especially at the very end when the two Muppets exit the scene, leaving us looking at an empty forest with that freaky tree right in the center of the screen! This segment, by the way, I think just had the (father and son) Muppets on a nature hike in the woods, and I recall one of them (the father) was climbing a cardboard tree in the foreground. Probably similar to the "mother and daughter" segment I had at one time mentioned, but this segment very likely preceded that one (possibly from the show's first season, because I kind of remember the Muppets looking more "primitive"). I just don't know why such a segment with a rather gentle and harmless tone, as I remember it to be, would require a somewhat intimidating-looking scenery. Unless, this same set was used first for another insert taped either the same day, or at another time, that took place in an intentionally scary forest, and this was the only scenery they had thus far for this segment .
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