Earl's reasons for marrying Fran

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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On Dinosaurs, Earl has often mentioned different reasons for marrying Fran. Here is a list of some of the reasons:

In Hurling Day, Earl told Fran that he married her so that he can hurl her mother over a tar pit.
In How to Pick up Girls, Earl told Robbie that he married Fran just because asking her out on a date was so hard to do that he didn't want to have to ask anothert woman out.
In Nature Calls, Earl told Fran that he married a female because changing diapers is females work.
In Scent of a Reptile, he married Fran because of her scent (which he liked because it smelled liek a new car).

Are there any other reasons mentioned on the show?