
Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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(I don't know if they did this one already, but it's worth a shot!)

Hello! This Alistair Cookie! Tonight, me proud to bring you story of struggle and difference in Puritanical times. And now me bring to you, classic novel by some guy named after a hotel, the Scarlett Letter!

(Scene shifts to old 1600’s type of setting in Colonial America. We see Hester Prune, a small purple/pink anything Muppet woman in a red shall with a large letter A on her shall)

hester: Oh woa is me! The agony of A!!! I wear the shameful letter A on my shall! A is afwul!! A is appalling !!

(A gang of villagers come to point and staire)

Villager 1: Agreed! A is quite adverse!!!

Villager 2: A is always agonizing!

Villager 3: Aye! A gives me aches!!

Villager 4: Yeah! Let’s abolish A!!!

(gang agrees and gets very angry, while a man shouts from a scaffolding)

Man: WAIIIIIIT!!! I am ASHAMED of you all and your annoying, aggravating anti-“A” adgenda!. What gives you the authority to antaonize such an apologetic letter? Why, do you know how awful it would be after a is abolished? You can’t say that you ate, “apples and Asparagus with Asiago cheese!” There’s no air to breathe! You can’t go anywhere with out A!!! A is Awesome, awe inspiring and just plane A.O.K!!! Anyone agree?

(Villagers hang heads in shame, and agree with the man)

Hester: Yes, but … my Aunt Agnes made this for me. It has an A on it, and my name begins with an H!!!

Man: Awwww… all right… worth a shot anyway….

Cookie: Aww… wasn’t that another amazing anicdote? Tune in next time for the sequal, the Purple Number! Goodnight (pulls out letter A and eats it). Aww… so appetizing!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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That was really good. I could see them really doing something like that on the show, if they ever bring "Monsterpiece Theatre" back.