Disney auditions, and the weirdness of Ohio (Part I)

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Right, I'm back!

First of all, I wanna say that I was kinda touched to see some Mupps "keepin' my character alive" in my initial-leavin'-thread while I was gone. :smile:

Though I did see every post, and shall remember everything said. *ahem*

Anyway, here's the low-down on muh trip:


Monday night

I leave at almost 9 p.m. after work, and get to muh hotel 'round 10:30. Nice, quaint, li'l cozy country place. I rully dug it. And when I inquired 'bout the hot tub, Desk Girl told me it was open til midnight---MIDNIGHT!!!


*insert Slobbery Byron emoticon*


So I go gaze at it through a window (it's indoor, next to an indoor pool), and go upstairs.

Oh, and on the way up the stairs (they had an elevator too, but I went up the steps first), as I was pullin' muh luggage up wif me up the wooden staircase in this li'l cozy country inn, I suddenly thought of MFC when the Muppets invade Emily Bear's house, and she goes, "You'll find more rooms up the stairs!", and Janice is on her way up behind Scooter, and others are behind them, and I SO had to "LOL!!", but I tried to stifle it.

So after settlin' in, I change into muh swimmin' trunks and go down to Aquatic Paradise.

It is empty.

I have muh own freakin' PRIVATE POOL AND HOT TUB!!!!!!!!


So I swim fer a while first (cause you do NOT wanna get into a pool AFTER you've been in a hot tub!!), I feel like a Disney merman and sing some Disney lines to muhself and laugh triumphantly, and splish-splash around.

Happy Byron. :smile:

Then I get out, and with a lustful predator look on muh face (least that's how I assume it looked---it's how I felt) I go to the hot tub.

In goes the right foot.


In goes the left foot.


Then I go down the steps and immerse muh whole body.

And let me jes' say: it is a GOOD thing I was alone. With some o' the sounds that emanated from muh throat, you woulda thought I was---well---you woulda thought it was muh weddin' night in a tub o' ketchup after havin' a chastity belt on since puberty.


It was THAT good.

(At one point I did the Herbal Essences commercial "Yes---YES---*YES!!*" thing, but in quite a MASCULINE way)



SO---I go up, shower, watch TV and get ready for bed and stuff (and I schedule a wake-up call, wif a guy who sounds a LOT like Joggy--heehee! Danish wake-up calls!).

I've worked, had a 2-hour drive, swum and soaked in a hot tub. You'd think I'd be tired, right? Right.


Due to ADRENALINE, I so couldn't sleep. Got maybe about 4 hours.




So I get up, tired but excited, get all ready and everything, hit the road, get lost, accidentally make somebody almost hit me, get honked at, feel embarassed and guilty and apologetic even though there's no way to do that in a city interstate thingy, and finally find it.

I end up makin' it about an hour early, and it is, like, SO empty.


It is.

I'm like, "Um...I am right, aren't I?", but I go in and sign up, and I thought I was gonna dance at 10 and sing at 1, but Sign Up Lady said if you're a principal singer who can move, then sign up for the 1:00. So I did.

And she said, "Do you have a headshot?", and I said "No", and she said, "That's okay", and I was like, *PHEW!* Cause, like, SO many people had these black and white glossy 8x10 photos wif their resumes all printed out fancy shmancy on the back, and here I am with a computer printed-out resume wif a reg'lar ol' photograph. But she said it was okay!

So essentially I'm there a few hours early, and hang around tryin' to read a book and warmin' up, off and on (warmin' up not around these Cincinnati Ballet guys and gals, that is).

At 10 they audition the dancers, ALL AT ONCE. And they're all doin' this fancy schmancy ballet routine---which I SO do not do, and was glad I ended up "unavailable" for that one. I can do different dance stuff, and RULLY love to tap, but I don't do no ballet shoe stuff.

So out of 40 dancers, they pick ONE GUY to go to Tokyo Disney Land.




So at 12 more people get there to sing and stuff (there were about 40 to dance, and 50 or so to sing---some did both), and at almost 1 this man walks in and introduces himself as the---THE---Castin' Guy for Disney.

Fer, like, everything.


I happened to be sittin' down on the floor at this point, and I felt like I was starin' up at a god visitin' us lowly peons from Mount Olympus.

*insert Starin' with Awe, Admiration, and Humble Unworthiness Byron emoticon*

So he says they ain't doin' no job offers today (for singers, I guess---since they took 1 dancer), and if you get videotaped, and are asked to sing somethin' else, that's a good sign, but no guarantee---after this, they STILL have to pool ALL those together from ALL their international locations. He also says they're primariy lookin' fer Tokyo Disneyland, but maybe a few things for other places like the cruise ships, but MOSTLY Tokyo DL. And he's real nice and stuff.

He also says that this stuff is for kids and families, so if you have a ballad and a more light-hearted # (I had one of each ready), he would suggest to go with the latter (so even though we all had 2 songs picked out like the info said, that didn't matter---lol).

He also said 95% of what they're lookin' fer are singers/dancers, they're lookin' fer VERY few actors, so if you have a monologue, you'll probably wanna sing.

Then Sign Up Lady calls 10 people to line up to audition, and I'm #6. ShortPrettyGal is #7, and this was a bit of our dialogue exchange:

SPG: "I feel so tall next to you, lol."

Me: "Yeah, I bet, lol. "

*Sign Up Lady calls another name*

Me: "Now I know how beauty pageant contstants feel, it's like makin' the Top 10 Finalists, lol."

SPG: "Lol!"

So first girl auditions, leaves. 2nd girl auditions, BELTS out part of "Part of Your World", Castin'Guy takes her to the piano and has her sing part of 2 other songs, she leaves.

A few other people go and leave, and one guy stays in to try on different dancin' shoes (not sure why).

Then I go in, Castin'Guy calls me by my first name, but I am SO not about to correct HIM, so I just go wif it ("Hi _____, how are you today?" "Oh, fine, if you'll PLEASE PUT ME ON A DISNEY CRUISE SHIP!!!!!!!"---okay, he said the 1st part, but I didn't say the 2nd). I put muh music on the piano for Accompanist, tell him it's the first 2 pages and start to walk away, but he asks me how fast I want it and I think and snap out the tempo.

Then I walk out in front of Castin'Guy and 2 Japanese Tokyo DL folks, and ChoreographerMan is at the door.

CG: "And what song are you gonna sing today, ______?"

Me: "George Strait's 'Love Without End, Amen.' "

So I sing it.

Now, ya see, they had said to pick the 16 bars of the song you wanna sing, and I had it marked, and I TOLD the accompanist "it's the first 2 pages", but he kept playin'---!!!---and I figured I might as well go with it, and I finished the chorus (the 16th bar was 1/2way through).

As soon as I started to sing, the Japanese man and woman began to write. I was like, "Yeek!" and wanted to run over and see what they were writin', but I didn't. lol

Then Castin'Guy thanked me after the first verse and chorus and said wif a smile, "I don't hear that one very often."

Then I left. No videotape, no extra songs (though Accompanist keepin' on playin' was a bit odd), so I left.

And ya know what?

I feel good. I had the drive, the dream, and I actually went and did it. The old Byron may have just daydreamed about it and "wished he could have done it", but the newer Byron rully went after it. And that makes me happy. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I feel good. I had the drive, the dream, and I actually went and did it. The old Byron may have just daydreamed about it and "wished he could have done it", but the newer Byron rully went after it. And that makes me happy.

Congratulations for you.

Life's like a movie, write your own ending . . . . .


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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sounded like it went well, iffin you askin me!

you aren't gonna like post hot tub pix are you


i feel sorry for the poor person who took them:eek:


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
[BAnd ya know what?

I feel good. I had the drive, the dream, and I actually went and did it. The old Byron may have just daydreamed about it and "wished he could have done it", but the newer Byron rully went after it. And that makes me happy. :smile: [/B]
Congratulations Byron! What more could you ask for then being happy?? :excited: :big_grin: :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I'm glad you went, buddy--if there's anything any of us can learn from Kermit & co., it's to pursue your dreams. It sounds like it was a great experience. For you, if not the hot tub.


In my post-high school life I've only auditioned for one thing, and that's when I decided my career would NOT be in the performing arts. But I also tried out as a cartoonist for the U, and even though I couldn't do anything more than doodle, they gave the job, and I've done hundreds of cartoons for them since then.

Some day I should graduate. The point is that I'm very happy for you and proud that The New Byron went for it.

Good job.


Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I'm Very proud of you Bryon! I, uhh, i read part 2 of your thread first, then this one, whoops! Your very Funny, i hope you had a good time! i'm glad you got your card back and i'm sorry for the troubles you had.:frown: But you should be proud for what you did cause if you didn't do it you'd still be wondering.:wink:


Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Thanks, y'all---yep, good experience, and so glad I did it. Like Zack said, if I didn't, I'd still be wonderin'!
