Did The Muppet Show change after the movie?

Muppet Man

Active Member
May 18, 2008
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I have the first three seasons of The Muppet Show and all of the movies on dvd. I have not seen seasons four and five of The Muppet Show in about 28 years. I was only a child the last time I had the opportunity to see them. Of course The Muppet Movie hit theatres during the summer of 1979 during rerun season in between seasons three and four. I have a question. Was the show given any major changes as a result of the movie? Were seasons three and four different from the first three? If so, were the changes for the better or worse? Thanks for your answers in advance.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Of course it changed after the movie. It had to get out of the outfit it spilled popcorn butter all over and into something more comfortable.

Seriously though, if you have the first three seasons, you'll notice each season had its own little changes and the same was true with S4 and S5, but ultimately i wouldn't even credit the movie much with any changes - they were all basically dictated by the natural evolution of the show itself.

By season three, TMS knew what it was - the experimentation phase was over, the characters pretty well established, etc so from then on it was a matter of playing around with the ingredients. Adding some new touches here, mixing things around and the like.

And if you have season three, you'll notice a big cosmetic change in several of the main puppets between the first and the second half (before and after the main filming block of the movie). So you can somewhat see the "before" and "after".