For those of you who haven't heard, Deck the Halls is a new holiday movie starring Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick as two neighbors who are in competition with each other to have the most Christmas lights and decorations on their house, "I want my house to be seen from space" is what one of them is aiming for as a matter of fact. Well, I'm actually experiencing the same thing kind of: my mom is suddenly in competition with a neighbor in our cul-de-sac to have the most lights and decorations on their houses; in fact anytime my mom sees her putting up more lights or something then she has my dad to get outside and put more lights up for us, and I notice when that happens, the neighbor is always kind of eye-balling us. "I want to be the Queen of the Cul-De-Sac" is what my mom keeps saying but I don't see what the big deal is: all my life my mom has said the one thing she doesn't like about Christmas is all of the commercialism that's put into to make Christmas a bigger deal, but now here she is trying to have the most decorated house in the cul-de-sac!