Dealing with depression and anxiety


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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For some reason this forum, more than any of the hundreds Ive been on since the 90's, seems to have the highest concentration of people with emotional/mental/aspie/other/health/other issues. And I think I know why...because to be a Muppet fan, you have to be a little special. We arent Dr Who, Firefly, Star Wars, Halos, Buffy, Trekkie, Twilight, Ringers, Hogwarters, etc...that's all mainstream stuff. The Muppets has always been a very small niche group, and attracts mostly genuine, kind warm people. And it's this sort of atmosphere that fosters a sense of understanding and openness.
I think that the Muppets in general can appeal to people who deal with mental, emotional or other health issues because the humor is isn't spiteful or mean-spirited or anything. It's just some nice, easygoing fun, and that's good for people who are dealing with burdens in their life. Plus, the characters (I find this especially true for Fraggle Rock) are three-dimensional, so I think it's easier for people to catch glimpses of themselves in what they're watching, and relate to it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I think that the Muppets in general can appeal to people who deal with mental, emotional or other health issues because the humor is isn't spiteful or mean-spirited or anything. It's just some nice, easygoing fun, and that's good for people who are dealing with burdens in their life. Plus, the characters (I find this especially true for Fraggle Rock) are three-dimensional, so I think it's easier for people to catch glimpses of themselves in what they're watching, and relate to it.
Oh absolutely. Yeah Fraggle Rock(man I wish that could have been seen on public tv by more people) is such an incredible multi dimensional show with a lot of great messages(and music!) I always cry from watching the final episode.

My mom always mentioned how it was the Muppets in her experience as a disabled/special needs teacher that really unlocked children, even in severe Autism cases. Really brought them out. (Muppets being the Muppet show characters, Sesame or Fraggle Rock of course) Im not putting down Disney, Looney Tunes, etc but Im just not sure any other franchise can really connect on those deeper soulful levels of joy, laughter, imagination and celebration.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Thank you for sharing. I've had depression since I was 16, and it's good to see I'm not alone. I wish you all the best. *hugs*


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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The only reason I get depressed is because I'm away from my family during college for a fairly long time and I miss them or I'm struggling in a class and worrying if I'll pass it. My anxiety issues started during my sophomore year of college, probably triggered by me failing two classes during the fall semester at that time, not being with my family because of summer classes and stress from classes and exams and also worry for my personal health, I've pretty much always been a worrywart.

Watching the Muppets has helped a lot with these. It helps me relax and be happy and makes me forget about anything that's going on in my life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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The only reason I get depressed is because I'm away from my family during college for a fairly long time and I miss them or I'm struggling in a class and worrying if I'll pass it. My anxiety issues started during my sophomore year of college, probably triggered by me failing two classes during the fall semester at that time, not being with my family because of summer classes and stress from classes and exams and also worry for my personal health, I've pretty much always been a worrywart.
School for me is stressful. I've always done pretty well, but I never think any of my work is any good before I hand it in or take a test. I always feel like what I'm doing is subpar, and that grates on me. I'm debating or not whether to do my senior honors thesis this upcoming semester because I don't know if I'm mentally strong enough at this point in time to write such a long paper. It's a tough decision, because I've been pushing towards this for a couple of years, and I'll be disappointed if I don't write it, but I have to figure out what's best for myself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I think that's why I never went to college. As I have seen the insane stress people go through coupled with the fact people rarely find work truly dealing with their degree...I guess the social aspect would have been my main reason for going, but I've always followed my own oddball path.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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I love most things about college; I've met some incredible people, learned a lot of interesting things, been to a lot of great sporting events, and had a lot of fun times. But it is stressful, and I've seen that stress cut a lot of my peers (including myself) down to size. Still, I wouldn't trade this past three-and-a-half years for anything, despite all that I've been through.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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*huggles* I also suffer from severe depressive episodes, and anxiety.

I'm here if ya need someone to listen and compassion to your tough experiences. :sympathy:

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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Could you guys keep me in your thoughts and prayers tonight? I feel like I'm just on the verge of an anxious episode.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Could you guys keep me in your thoughts and prayers tonight? I feel like I'm just on the verge of an anxious episode.
Will do. I hope you can make it through the evening okay. Feel free to inbox me if you need help or just would like to vent.