There were 2 skits with David and Luis that were funny and memorable. the first one invloved the 2 of them(on split screen). David was in a summer outfit but was freezing in the snow and cold while Luis was bundled up in winter clothing and on the sunny beach. The both of them finally realized that they should change places. Luis was now in the snow and David was on the beach. I remember at the end, Luis was throwing snow balls at David thru the split screen who was now on the beach!
The other one invloved Luis and David arguing over a snow shovel and who it belonged to. The both of them describe it to a tee as having a bend in the blade, a knick in the handle, etc...Along comes Maria to settle the dispute. She turns the shovel around to show that HER name is painted on it and tells them both "you see you BOTH borrowed it last year and forgot to return it, and this year Big Bird is going to borrow it"! Sound familiar?
The other one invloved Luis and David arguing over a snow shovel and who it belonged to. The both of them describe it to a tee as having a bend in the blade, a knick in the handle, etc...Along comes Maria to settle the dispute. She turns the shovel around to show that HER name is painted on it and tells them both "you see you BOTH borrowed it last year and forgot to return it, and this year Big Bird is going to borrow it"! Sound familiar?