Crazy Harry's Explosive Muppet Evening

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, presenting "Crazy harry's Explosive Muppet Evening!"

(Crazy Harry pops up and blows up the announcer)

Announcer: And here is your host, Crazy Harry!

Crazy Harry: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am Crazy harry. Tonight, I will present to you clips of my favortie Muppet Show moments. First, here is an evening at the pops.

(cut to a clip of The Pops sketch from the Peter Ustinov episode)

Crazy Harry: (laughing) That was a good one. And now, here is my favortie Muppet labs sketch.

(cut to the Muppet labs sketch where Bunsen invents exploding clothes, which is then followed by the Muppet News sketch where news reporters are reportedly blowing up, and then followed by a clip of Luncheon Counter Monster eating the worlds most powerful exploding device).

Crazy Harry: Ha ha ha! This is good, exploding stuff. Now, here is the target practice sketch.

(cut to the target practice sketch, then cut to Gonzo defusing a bomb).

Crazy Harry: Well, now, I can't get enough of this, so here are my top two favorite talk spots of all time, featuring ben vereen and Jaye P. Morgan.

(cut to the talk spots with Ben Vereen and Jaye P. Morgan)

Sam the Eagle: Crazy harry, I think this show is disgusting, sick, and undignified. You should be put in jail for your irresponsible use of dynamite....

Crazy Harry: Did somebody say "dynamite"?

Sam the Eagle: You know that I did.

(Crazy Harry blows up Sam the Eagle and then laughs)

(scene dissolves to the Hugga Wugga song, then to the backstage scene from the jaye p. morgan epsiode where kermit gave jaye P. Morgan a cake, which was baked by Crazy Harry)

Crazy Harry: And now, here is me singing "Chanson D'Amour".

(Scene fades to the clip of the song "Chanson D'Amour")

Crazy harry: And now, for the big finale!

(several unexplained explosives set off)

Crazy Harry: How come I didn't know about those explosives?

(Scene changes to the song "I'm Just Wild About Harry")

Crazy Harry: Well, I hope that you all enjoyed this explosive evening of muppet moments, but now I've got to go to the local government building and, uh, see my probation officer. See you all later.

(the credits roll, and after the credits, we see Statler and Waldorf in their balcony)

Statler: So, what did you think of this show?

Waldorf: Oh, it's definately a bomb.

Crazy harry: (popping up) Did somebody say bomb?

Statler and Waldorf: No!

(Crazy Harry blows them up)



Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Gee, whare did that review I just gave you go?...
Anyway, that was great! I don't recognize all of the skits, but it was still great.
Crazy Harry is one of my favorite characters, so thank you for giving him this moment to shine! It seems that you, Prawncracker and I have a lot of the same favorites, and you two are vary generous with them! Once again, good work!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Fragglemuppet said:
Gee, whare did that review I just gave you go?...
Anyway, that was great! I don't recognize all of the skits, but it was still great.
Crazy Harry is one of my favorite characters, so thank you for giving him this moment to shine! It seems that you, Prawncracker and I have a lot of the same favorites, and you two are vary generous with them! Once again, good work!
If you don't recognize all the skits, do you want me to explain some of them? Do you want me to list what epsiodes the skits are from?

Also, which characters are your favorites?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Sheesh, you just asked me two fairly dificult questions! Lol


wWhat is the "Pops" sketch, and which episode is it from?
The next three skits, ware are they from?
What is the "target sketch? And in what episode did Gonzo defuse the bomb?
What happened in these two talk spots?
I've heard the song, "Chanson D'Amour" so I know what it sounds like, but which episode?
So basically, almost everything... I apologizeembarrased I seem to know so little!

As for the second question, I guess you coult put my favorite characters in two catagories; those who are crazy, eccentric or weird, and those in need of nurturing.

Crazy Harry
Marvin Suggs

Gonzo, (as portrayed in MFS)
Scooter, (although he can take care of himself, he is still a go-fer, and kinda )

Woo, sorry for the looong post!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Fragglemuppet said:
What is the "Pops" sketch, and which episode is it from?
It is the opening number from the Peter ustinov epsiode. It involved a conductor with a ballon head conducting many baloons, which all popped/ exploded, and at the end, the conductors head exploded.

Fragglemuppet said:
The next three skits, ware are they from?
1. Muppet Labs: Bunsen shows off his latest inventions: exploding hats (he wears a hat that blows up), exploding earmuffs (he puts a pair on, and both muffs shoot off), and exploding neckties (he is wearing one, and he basically explodes). From the Phyllys Diller episode.

2. Muppet News: The Newsman reports that television news reporters are reportedly blowing up. As he talks, he explodes. From the Madeline Kahn epsiode.

3. Worlds Most Powerful Explosion: Luncheon Counter Monster activates a machine which starts talking. The monster keeps eating parts of the machine as the machine describes them. After Luncheon Counter Monster finishes the machine, it still talks inside his stomache, and the machine says that no matter what happens to it, nothing can stop it from doing what it is supposed to do: be the worlds most powerful explosive device known to man, and it blows up inside Luncheon Counter Monster's stomache. From the George Burns episode. remake of a sketch from The ed Sullivan Show.

Fragglemuppet said:
What is the "target sketch? And in what episode did Gonzo defuse the bomb?
The target practice sketch is the opening act from the nancy walker episode, where Crazy harry and some whatnot soldiers shoot cannons. It ends with them shooting a cannon into the wall where statler and waldorfs balcony is. Gonzo defused a bomb in the Dudley Moore episode.

Fragglemuppet said:
What happened in these two talk spots?
1. Ben Vereen: ben talks to Kermit about how a dancer needs to keep his body fit, and at one point he says "Dynamite" or somethign else that has to do with explosives (it's been awhile since I last saw this epsidoe), and CrazyHarry sets off an explosion.

2. Jaye P. Morgan: I haven't actually seen this epsiode (i'm going by what is written in the epsiode guide at Muppet Central), but jaye P. complains about the frequent explosions, kermit talks about how explosions are one of the muppets trademarks, and Kermit decides to blow himself up.

Fragglemuppet said:
I've heard the song, "Chanson D'Amour" so I know what it sounds like, but which episode?
It's the openign number from the Rich Little episode, where Crazy Harry sets off explosions while three women sing.

I hope that all of this info helps.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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You did a great job both of writing the fanfic and describing all these classic exploding muppet moments.