compilation fan fic: "Muppet Entertainment"

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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(The scene begins with Rowlf sitting behind a desk in an office, with the theme music playing and the title, "Muppet Entertainment", showing up)

Rowlf: Hello! I'm Rowlf The Dog. I play piano at the Muppet Theater. If you are interested in coming to the Muppet Theater to see a live performance of The Muppet Show, then you are watching the right program. You will get your moneys worth. You'll see great moments like these!

(this leads to Another Opening, Another Show, then The Rhyming Song, then That's Entertainment)

Rowlf: We also have a celebrity guest each week. They do more then they are best-known for. For example, when comedian Milton Berle was on our show, he did more than just comedey. He also sang.

(this leads to The Entertainer)

Rowlf: You may not get to see your favorite celebrity, but you will most likely see Miss Piggy, doing the same as the guest star does...

(this leads to Miss Piggys version of The Entertainer)

Rowlf: You may also see some puppetry...

(this leads to Richard bradshaws puppet acts, followed by Pull My Strings)

Rowlf: We have a lot of recurring sketches, too, just like these...

(this leads to The Swedish Chef sketch where a chicken lays ping pong ball eggs, then the houses sketch where a house has a church for a mother, then the Muppet Labs sketch where Bunsen invents elevador shoes)

Rowlf: In fact, I even appear in a recurring sketch, Veterinarians Hospital.

(This leads to the Veterinarians Hospital sketch where Pinnocchio is the patient)

Rowlf: One of our guest stars was Leslie Uggum, and here she is now.

(this leads to Hey, There, Good Times, followed by Nobody, then followed by Fozzie Bear's monologue where Fozzie attempts to bury Statler and Waldorf with just one line)

Rowlf: Another of our great guest stars was Kaye Ballard, and here she is with one of our monsters, Thog!

(this leads to What Would You Say?, then An Actors Life For Me, then Lazy Bones)

Rowlf: You know, when Ethel Merman was on the show, our cast sang a medley of her songs.

(this leads to the Ethel Merman song medley, followed by the Pigs In Space skit where everybody is bored, then followed by Henriettas Wedding, then followed by Dog Eat Dog)

Rowlf: oh, yeah, I just love to play the piano. Anyway, I would like to point out that if you would like a tour of the theater, we have a lot of great areas, including the prop room....

(this leads to the prop room scene where Miss Piggy checks her weight)

Rowlf: (voice-over over clip) ...We have the canteen.....

(this leads to the canteen scene where Animal orders a TV dinner)

Rowlf: (voice-over) ...We also have dressing rooms, where guest stars like valerie harper have stayed...

(this leads to the dressing room scene where Valerie Harper meets The Easter Bernie)

Rowlf: (voice-over).... we have our orchestra, which I am a part of.

(this voice-over is shown during the beginning of the clip How High The Moon)

Rowlf: (back at the office, not a voice-over) and we have our most important area of the theater, the backstage. In fact, once I got Gene kelley to sing a song backstage.

(this leads to Singing In The rain)

Rowlf: And now let's end our show with Jaye P. Morgan and soem old black magic!

(this leads to That Old Black Magic)

Rowlf: and now, I hope you have had a wonderful time. (he goes to the piano and starts playing the closing theme while the credits roll. After the credits end, we see the Statler and waldorf scene from after the credits of the Elton John episode, followed by a last season orchestra shot and Zoot blowing his horn, the shot from the reshot end Zoot scenes)

Philip Kippel

Another great fanfic, minor_muppetz.

One nitpick though--the song "Pull My Strings" is actually called "Puppetman".