Characters you've felt sorry for


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
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When I was a little kid watching Sesame Street in the 80's, I used to sometimes feel very sorry for one of the charachters when something bad happened to them. I remember feeling sorry for Kermit a lot because it seemed like he was CONSTANTLY having things go bad for him. Most of his Newsflashes and demonstrations ended in disaster. Also I remember Grover getting into some bad situations. I felt sorry for him during the Song Over Under, Around and through. Also in the sketch when he helps get the kitten down from the tree and he ends up getting stuck in the tree. I felt sorry for Bert a lot of times, when Ernie used to do mean things to him. Especially in the skit when he ate all Bert's Pizza, and drank all his grapejuice. Another time I felt REALLY bad for him was when Ernie cut all Bert's hair off. I felt sorry for Telly in an episode from the 1989/1990 Season during some kind of Grouch Talent show when he was standing outside of Oscar's can and dropped something really heavy on his foot. All Oscar did was laugh. And let's not forget Ernie, I felt really sorry for him when Cookie Monster used to always take his Cookies. But sometimes I would think of the Ernie and Bert sketches and I would think that mabye that was Frank Oz getting even with Jim. :stick_out_tongue: :frown: But anyways tell me about some times when you really felt very sorry for a charachter, and which skit (s) was it?

Andrew T

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2005
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Bert...particularly when he wants to fall asleep and Ernie keeps him awake by progressively counting sheep, fire engines, and bursting balloons.

Slimey the Worm...simply because he had to live with Oscar the Grouch!

Fat Blue...he never got the food he wanted, no matter how hard he tried. My favorite segment was probably the one from circa 1989 when he visited O'Brien's Fast Food and he can't catch his order as it zips by.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I have often felt sorry for Fta Blue. I also felt sorry for Ernie in the sketch where the Count hired him to be an operator and in the sketch where the count slept over and kept Ernie up all night with his counting. And I felt sorry for cookie Monster in the sketch where he dreamed that cookies were flying around him and wouldn't let him reach them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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I usually and of course felt sorry for Big Bird....he was always getting the short end of the stick in episodes just as Telly would. And by the way, did anyone kinda notice a link between Big Bird and Telly perhaps? And when I say this I mean performer wise. it seemed that Carol Spinney and Martin P. Robinson. Big Bird and Snuffy would go off on adventures and have fun together as would Telly and Oscar (performed by Martin P. Robinson and Carol Spinney) - I thought maybe Carol and Martin were and are good friends and seemed to be a team like Frank and Jim...just a thought though...


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Of course, Marty's characters were previously performed by others and they still had the team of Telly and Oscar and Big Bird and Snuffy, so it could be just a coincedence.

I'd have to feel sorry for Bert, because I had roommates in college who would keep me awake at night, so I know the feeling.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I felt bad for Ernie when Lefty the Salesman would try and sell him things like an invisible ice cream cone. I felt bad for Big Bird when no one believed him about Snuffy. I used to feel Fat Blue's frustration when Grover was his waiter, but I guess I didn't necessarily feel bad for him, he could've just stopped going to that restaraunt! I think each character has had moments though when you feel more empathy toward them than others, and that is one of the most brilliant things about Sesame Street.