Speak of SNL, I am going to rate all the long running TV shows that are still on. I'm rating them in terms of quality, relevance, writing, acting/voice acting, etc.
-Sesame Street - A++++ - The fact that they added Julia makes me want to add another +
-SpongeBob - A/B - I didn't like the episodes from 2012/2013, they had too much dark humor and violence which doesn't fit in with SpongeBob in my opinion, but they have just recently gotten good again
-Family Guy - A/B - Same as SpongeBob, they had a very dark point filled with offensive jokes and gore, but have now become funny again
-The Fairly Oddparents - D - The only reason I'm not pulling a Mr. Crocker and giving this show an F is because they finally took off Chloe. I really didn't like her,

-Happy Tree Friends - A+ - Still very cute, creative, and funny to this day. The characters have only changed for the better and it's amazing how a show that's mostly about cute animals getting into violent situations hasn't "jumped the shark" after all these years as Fonzie would say.
-Robot Chicken - A++ - This show is still extremely hilarious satire of modern and retro pop culture that remains one of the best adult cartoons ever created.
-Pokémon - C - I don't like the new Pokémon creature designs at all. Ice cream cone Pokémon? Phone charger Pokémon? Looks like Falcor from The Neverending Story Pokémon? I'm sorry but I just can't take them seriously anymore.