I also remember a street plot/episode from around the early 90s (1992-1993) where he visited SS, and here's a few scenes I remember:
*Luis and Maria (I think, were sitting on the steps of the Arbor Area) and then suddenly, this yellow/pink fuzz comes over...can't remember much, but I do remember that he tried to "poke" them both at the end of that scene
*Then it's Oscar and Maria. OScar yells out, "Nosey Nosey Nosey!" and quickly ducks down into his can while Cyranose angrily "drills" his nose into the trashcan, which in a later scene has a big hole which Fluffy's trunk poked out of. Also in that scene, Elmo and a few other adults (and Cyranose and OScar as well) sing some song
*At the end of the episode, he was chatting with Big Bird for a while by the bus stop and when they announce the sponsors---Cyranose says "nose" and Elmo bursts in, now dressed as Cyranose and chases him